This is Tamiya's re boxing of the Italeri Mk.1 Hurricane, it was built with the addition of an Eduard Big-Ed set and won 1st place in the Riverside Scale Modellers October model of the month contest. Painted with Vallejo Model Air and [...]
This model was initially build as part of a club display for QMHE 2013, the club theme was "Conflict 1946 to Present". The kit is the AFV Club 1/35 RAAC Centurion and it was built with the addition of an Eduard Big-Ed set, paints [...]
Several people, when commenting upon my recently completed 1/32 Spitfire Mk.II, said that the pilot figure looks lonely and needs a dog to keep him company. These people were preaching to the choir, though. From the start, I wanted my [...]
Being a lover of carrier borne aircraft & the USN WWII in particular, I built this kit a few years ago (pre Eduard), but noted the adverse comments regarding the 'smile' on the cowling ring. Being very happy with other aspects of the [...]
Probably my most favorite helicopter (which is probably not my most favorite aircraft type) is the Mi-24 Hind. It is a very interesting and unusual looking design. And from what I’ve read, it’s pretty effective as well.
One of the [...]
Here's a recent build of a classic old Monogram kit, the 1/48th F-101B Voodoo. I finished it in the markings of the 444th FIS Det 1 which was stationed in my hometown of Wilmington, NC between 1966 and 1968. Pretty much an out of the box [...]
While I've been absent-mindedly progessing (well, we'll call it that) with my Royal Caroline wooden ship, and from time to time checking out the lovely builds on iM (and, just to keep in the loop, posting a few builds I've completed in the [...]
Found on Youtube is this comprehensive video coverage of the 2013 IPMS UK Scale Modelworld in Telford, England. Expertly presented by someone... a bit unexpected. Viewing the two clips will take about 20 minutes of your time, in return [...]
This is the 1/48 scale Eduard Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-11 built from the Dual Combo kit.
I wanted to represente the Fw190 D-11 "<61" from the "Verbandsführerschule General der Jagdflieger". I based my paint work on the [...]
This is my interpretation of the TA-152 H0 wnr 150010. The famous "Green 4".
I build this kit from the box apart from the exhaust "Quickboost" pipes.
I helped among other book "the Focke Wulfe TA 152" Thomas [...]