Hey Guys,
havent posted here in a while, have just finished this less than half an hour ago. This one has been dragging on longer than i wanted ! this was pretty much a test build as i have 3 other F-111C kits i plan to build, this was my [...]
Since I posted a Thunderbirds picture I thought it might be fitting to post some Blue Angels. This is the 1/48 Hobby Craft Bearcat straight from the box. No added aftermarket. Nice little kit, but could use some more detail. I painted it [...]
This is a Revell of Germany 1/72nd Abrahms with resin stowage. Can't beat R of G in braille scale armor. The markings are dry transfer. Just a touch of weathering.
After TONS of fiddling I'm calling this done (except of course for the commander figure I'm still fooling with). AFV Club's Churchill namesake is a great kit. When I saw the boxart of this new release, festooned with spare track link [...]
Here is the final product! The completed subject of my P-40 build log in the WIP page. I've been in a toothy mood lately so I used Baracuda Cals representing Col. Scott's aircraft. It's finished with MM Acryls, "faded" with a [...]
I converted this from the Trumpeter kit. I added significant detail to the cockpit and landing gear while also correcting the ESM gear for this updated 'Finback'.
My latest. Literally no putty, easy build, but kicked my own arse a few times by screwing it up. Splashed thinner on it after it was "done", and had to re-flat coat, among other exercises. Built OOB with the exception of seat [...]
First, this is for new friend, Gregor de Ste Croix, who lives and works near RAF Lcssiemouth North of Scotland who has, and does, see a lot of this stuff on display now and also, a model builder and provider for this site and wanted to [...]
Craig, your not the only one with S.M.S. ( Senior Moment Syndrome ) I posted this on another site and didn't catch the faux pas until the comments started coming in.
The wing is suppose to say... "Miami"