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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

A statement of expectations for after market decals?

I am in the process of completing a Hasegawa 1/72 kit of the P2V-7 Neptune. Now, I am always for trying to build "out of the box", but this brings the problem of what to do when decals are too old. On this occasion my usual [...]

Hasegawa 1/24 SKYLINE GT-R NISMO (BNR32)

I assembled Hasegawa's R32 Skyline. The kit was recently released and promises great workmanship with very good content. This time, the wheels are replaced with those made by Aoshima and the ride height is slightly lowered. We dared to [...]

Hobby Boss 1/32nd scale B-24D Liberator

I've put the finishing touches to this 1/32nd scale B-24 over the Bank Holiday weekend and took advantage of some spring sunshine to take some pictures of the completed model outside in natural light. I've been working on this on and off [...]

Video: Happy Easter!! 1/32 TAMIYA ZERO A6M5 (video preview)

TAMIYA 1/32 TAMIYA ZERO A6M5 Model 52 Highly recommended! For more details about this Tamiya kit, tools and paints from this video please visit: (link) DISCLAIMER: I am NOT! being paid to promote this kit, paints, tools and to make this [...]

Fantasy Miniatures

Collection of fantasy and sci fi miniatures in different scales.

Video: Grumman TBF Avenger - Hobby 2000 1/72Aircraft Model

Arma Hobby North American P-51C "Evalina".

Arma Hobby North American P-51C "Evalina" in 1/72 scale. Built Out of the Box. Finished in Alclad II Polished Aluminum, weathered with oils. The kits' decals are Techmod, and perfformed flawlessly. This is likely the most [...]

1/55th Starfix BF109 F (apparently its 1/48th BF109 E)

Starfix kit from the starfix challenge - IE to build it using basic tools and paints only. The most innacurate kit I've ever built, wildly inaccurate and in some cases, pure fiction.

1/48th Revell BF109 G10

Fictional markings, but camo and colours authentic. First ever go at mottling, its not great, but its not as bad as i expected it to be. Sorry for the bad photos.

REVELL - 1/72 C-160 TRANSALL " Eloka "

Well, this kit has turned out to be a total PITA. Yes it's a skill level 5, but come-on Revell, at least make your instruction understandable! To get this far, I've used MORE filler than on my previous 2 other kits, the inner cargo bay is [...]