My dad´s next addition to the French at war theme.
Italeri reboxing of the Ocidental kit, Eduard PE detailing set, painted with AK Xtreme Metal Aluminium.
All French combat Texans came with three rocket racks under each wing, the kit has [...]
Fresh off the bench the awesome 1/48 Tamiya P-38F . Fished in markings of the 85th FS Vcenzo, Italy May 1944 , Model finished with Mr color paints, Tamiya LP paints and Fundekals secals
64E309BA-D19E-4630-BFD1-92BCB95AA66B by b007scott, [...]
The Hasegawa Spitfire built mostly out of the box, including the kit decals. This is the first kit I used Humbrol enamels and was impressed with how well the paint airbrushed. The kit was waiting in the stash for many years to be built - [...]
The Airplane:
The Bf-109E-3 was the first sub-type of Messerschmitt’s fighter to receive the DB 601 engine. Ourside of the powerplant and cooling system, which included radiators under each inboard wing, the airframe of the Bf-109E-3 was [...]
I used Hasegawa's C-2 kit, of which the molds go back to the 1972 release JS-080 kit, It's still in their catalog, they have updated it somewhat by adding the leading edge slats. The decals are equally ancient being remnants from [...]
Do you know this too? Almost all of my kits tend to have a long to very long stay in the various stacks and storerooms of my model building sanctuary before they actually make it to the workbench.
Not so with this Beechcraft 200 King Air [...]
Greetings to all.
It's been over 20 years since I've built a 1/12th scale motorbike kit.
So, between military vehicles and some aeroplanes, I got a couple of kits from Aoshima: a Honda CB 400 "Super Four", and a Kawasaki [...]
Greetings to all.
Finally, here I bring you this finished kit.
For the paint I used Vallejo acrylics, and for the wethering I used washes and pigments from Vallejo, AK and Casttle Art.
I hope you like it, and any criticism is [...]