The 1/35 Database at iModeler

1428 articles
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  • Last addition 6 months, 2 weeks ago

1/35 scale modeling

Dragon 1/35 88mm FlaK 36 auf Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H

In their efforts to mobilize all flack artillery, the Germans used Panzer IV chassis as the base for the effective 88mm flack gun. Since the development occurred towards the end of WWII, only few prototypes were tested and most evidence to [...]

Dragon 1/35 Sd.Kfz.186 Jagdtiger (Porche)

A mighty tank and an impressive model in the display shelf. Zimmerit was applied with putty and applicator blades.

WWII German Ambulance Truck V3000S/SS M Maultier with Shelter (ICM 35414 1/35)

This beautiful kit has waited some time in my stash to be built. WWII trucks more and more apear to be my favorite. While working on it I bought a portable airbrush set, to gain some experience with that. Eventhough I’m still working on [...]

Garford-Putilov Armoured Car, 1/35 scale

First, let me say that I build airplanes, so this model was way out of my wheelhouse. When Louis (@lgardner) created this group, I thought it might be fun to jump into the group with something other than my usual airplane model. I have a [...]

1/35 Nakajima B5N (Allied reporting name "Kate") carrier-based torpedo bomber

1/35 Nakajima B5N (中島 B5N, Allied reporting name "Kate") was the standard carrier-based torpedo bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) for much of World War II. Inspired by vintage pictures. The model kit came with [...]

Tamiya 1/35 Panzer IV Ausf G

This is a nice kit with no fit issues. I did fret over the track assembly but after watching 4 YouTube videos on assembling tracks they came together pretty well. After looking at countless pictures online I went with a two color camo [...]

Review: RFM 1/35 Sd.Kfz.234/2 PUMA Review

SU-85. Green, boring and soviet, still kinda cool.

Salute! Here's a thing i've build few years ago, but since the war on Ukraine begun I couldn't even look at this... So I decided to sell it, therefore I had to do some pics. Politics aside, here it is. Su-85 tank destroyer, zvezda kit with [...]

Regio Esercito M-13/40 & the Afrika KorpsTamiya (New Mould) 1/35

The Carro Armato M13/40 was an Italian World War II tank designed to replace the M11/39 in the Royal Italian Army at the start of World War II.[6] It was the primary tank used by the Italians throughout the war. The design was influenced [...]

Review: Border Models 1/35 Spitfire MK.Vb Review