1/35 scale modeling
1428 articles
The Jagdpanzer IV / Sd.Kfz. 162, was a German tank destroyer based on the Panzer IV chassis with a 7.5 cm Pak 39 L/48 gun. The muzzle break on the tank was removed in the field because its proximity to the ground, thus raisin clouds of [...]
Hi folks,
simple 1974 kit,simple building for a friend,hope you like this effort.
Thanks for visiting!
I haven't posted any thing on here for a while as haven't finished anything for a while. Got plenty of stuff started, but finishing has been an issue of late. So thought I'd better finish this. I'm really enjoying ICM kits at the moment as [...]
Finally finished the tiger which I started 10yrs ago😝😝😝 the kit is from Dragon 6416. Used Abteilung oil paints for filtering and AK interactive products for coloring and weathering.
Never know why I'll build something sometimes. I just had a hankering to do a Panther, out of nowhere. This was reinforced by another Osprey book, in this case Campaign no. 335, Mortain 1944. This was the counterattack to try and stop the [...]
Towards the end of WWII the German deployed several types of recovery vehicles based on tank chassis in service. The purpose of the conversion of tanks to recovery vehicles was to provide protection to maintenance teams in battle zones [...]
Man I realized I was doing most of this build on FB and forgot my iModeler community! Long story short, my youngest daughter gave me a 1/35 Tamiya Sherman last October for my birthday, my granddaughter gave me a Tamiya Jeep for [...]
Atlantic Wall - Flak emplacement; 1/35 scale
In the 1980s, Francois Verlinden (Verlinden Productions - VP) left his mark on a whole generation of modelers. His productions are still a reference in the imagination of many today and, [...]