1/48 scale modeling
The 1/48 Database at iModeler
6449 articles
The “Scooter” – Douglas A-4E Skyhawk, VA-195 “Dambusters” – 1:48
Hi All! This is a result of the excellent 10 part "The Wietnam War" documentary serie ((link)War(TV_series) I've seen recently. Actually this A-4 was around a while just I was too lazy to publish it here and frankly I've been [...]
Seats gentlemen…..
Here are my hybrid Eduard Brassin/Wolfpack Mk5 seats. I think they ended up far better than any Mk5 seats on the market as the Eduard Mk7 seats are little kits in themselves, and adding the Mk5 parachute housing to them makes them an [...]
1/48 Airfix Hurricane Mk.I Polish 306 Fighter Squadron
Hello Folks
My latest completed kit in June. The Hawker Hurricane Mk.I from Airfix. Goes together fantastic, the details are quite good. I add some Yahu instrument panel and some small PE parts for the cocpkit. The other after market I add [...]
1/48 Hobby Craft P-59A Aircomet
Hell Folks
This gallery for my Bell Aircomet that was completed some time ago mid April. This is kit from Hobby Craft, that I upraded by adding some spare PE in the cockpit and resin wheels. Kit goes together straight forward, not to many [...]
1/48 Hasegawa P-38J
Did this one a long time ago.
Decals from Aeromaster for an 80th fg bird. True Detail wheels, Xtracolor gloss paints for the OD/Neutral Grey, Testors square bottle gloss green. At the time I did this, I didn't have any real reference [...]
Crazy Racing 2018
This idea has a long story. I came 4 years ago.
Planes are like the racing cars. The idea comes form the Reno Air Race. I found this site about two years ago, when I searched for some reference photos to my favourite plane, the [...]
Revell (Monogram) 1/48 F-84E Thunderjet
The war the fighter-bombers engaged in during the Korean War was a bloody one, a war unrelieved by opportunities for the kind of public acclaim the Sabre pilots received. Writing in “Officers in Flight Suits, The Story of American Air [...]
Italeri 48th OH-13 Sioux
Made mods to interior and added cyclic and collective pitch horns to swashplate. Made bigger diameter skid tubes. Tie down tape was made from dental floss, painted red. Added other details like pitot tube.
Comments welcome.
1/48 TAV-8S Matador (Harrier)
This is the new Kinetic kit built up as a Spanish Navy example. It’s a really nice model of an interesting subject. First off, the fit of the kit is superb with two exceptions. I used no putty or superglue as filler anywhere, only a [...]
1/48 Tamiya Messerschmitt Pre-Production Me-262 “S” (Werknummer 130006), “VI + AF”
Here's another article that I hope you enjoy... This time it's based on Tamiya's excellent Me-262 in 1/48 scale.
This model was started as I was "hitting the wall" and getting bogged down with research on the group of 4 Tamiya [...]