Revell model kits
1198 articles
Hi everyone!
This is my Revell 1/72 BV-138C-1, finished as W.Nr.13803 10158, 2./KüFl.Gr.406, “K6+AK” machine, in service from special catapult launching ships in the Norwegian Coast. This machine carried a special emblem at the port [...]
I am posting this seeking advice from people with more experience than myself.
I have posted before, I am getting back into the hobby after MANY years away from it. I am nearing completion of several models, including this one.
I have run [...]
This has been lying in it's box incomplete for 2 years, but has finally been completed.
Primed with Tamiya Neutral Grey
Painted with Tamiya Flat Aluminium, Light Grey Nato Black and Flat White.
Citadel Nuln Oil and Seraphim Sepia [...]
This model kit is a curious blend of really nice and rather awful. Fit in some areas was pretty bad, requiring a goodish amount of filler and sanding. The cockpit detail is very weak, hence closed canopy and the molding is somwhat soft. [...]
I was given this little Star Wars kit and decided to do it as a fun build, which it really was. I decided to try my own scheme and give it a bare metal finish, I wanted to have different metal tones so ended up masking and mixing different [...]
The Revell kit has the wrong engine for a -32, but I still love this plane.
1/72 Revell Schnellboot S-100
Added resin torpedoes and resin contact mines.
Scratch built additional depth charges
Modified display base.
Fabricated additional depth chargers.
Corrected Black Panther logo.
Slight weathering with [...]
I also like heavy trucks and do a few from time to time. This was a cheap kit at the LHS that I decided to test my scratching and grafting skill level on...and it occupied the bench for a fair amount of time.
The dump box is from an AMT [...]