Revell model kits
1194 articles
The other day, I got a message from a fellow modeler on this site named Chuck Villanueva, who wanted to send me a gift. And I was reluctant at first, I didnt know what to say, but I ultimately exchanged details with him, and he sent me [...]
Another contribution by my dad in 2015 to our Airwar over Austria theme.
The book "Hungarian Fighter Colours 1930-1945 Vol.2" by Denes Bernard and György Punka was used as reference.
Revell Germany kit, Cutting Edge decals, [...]
This is my first 1/32 scale plane, and it is a monster. I built this plane in 2 months, and it took about 40-45 hours to do. I've been wanting to do a 1/32 scale for a while now, and didnt know where to start, as most 1/32 planes are a [...]
Also built two years ago by my dad.
Didn´t knew that much about the Ju52 versions before that build. Thought with the ProModeler kit it would be an easy OOB thing because the kit includes the additional bomber parts, to say the belly [...]
Built two years ago.
Because there are a lot of D-Day striped Dakota models out there, I convinced my father to do a PTO aircraft.
Revell Germany kit (Berlin airlift) with North Star Models decals. They came without US insignias (and the [...]
In order to build some old models that bring me many memories, as already mentioned in previous posts about Revell Tradewind, I have finished the vintage Revell Volkswagen Deluxe Sedan Kit No. H-952: 59 - 1:40 scale, from the 1960s in [...]
I took a break from stringing biplanes to build this wonderful kit, Revell's PV-1 Ventura. The kit was marked "Korea 2011" and went together like a dream. All the seams had a nice tight fit, so very little bodywork was needed. [...]
Hello again imodelers, this is the Eurofighter Ghost Tiger, new model from revell, as you can see
I chose the in flight version for the first time ever, so the buid it self was shorter than normal (no landing gear)
Decals the most time [...]
Hi all
This is a Revell kit with Aires resin cockpit and wheels bays. It represent a Belgian AF fighter circa 1978.
Not very well adjustments but the final result looks like a Starfighter.
Hope you like It
Sifredo Cubas
Double WOW! I found this model on the web and bought it flat out. Why would I do that? Let's back up to 1947 as this is the answer.
My cousin "Jim" came home from the Navy in late 1945 and lived with his parents in Alliance, [...]