144 articles
Here are seven photos of Vintage kits I've built. I have a few more, but only have photos for seven of them.
1 Atlantis (Revell) Box Scale F-89 Scorpion
2 1/72 Matchbox A-7D
3 1/200 AMT Moonraker (reboxed Lindberg kit from 2019)
4 1/72 [...]
"Vintage" additions...well at least pre 1990's
Along with yours' truly
1/48 Otaki FW-190
1/48 Monogram P-61 Black Widow
1/32 Williams Brothers F9C Sparrowhawk
Here are a few of mine. I like building the older kits, partly for nostalgic reasons and partly because I don't like having to build a landing gear strut out of ten plastic parts and two pieces of photo etch!
Lindbergh 1/48 XFY-1 Pogo in [...]
Monogram F-102A in California ANG scheme. Encore kit of the vintage kit.
Monogram P-51D in IDF Suez War markings
Monogram B-24J
Monogram B-25J - "Betty's Dream"
Monogram F-80C
Monogram Kingfisher (with a lot of resin aftermarket [...]
Tom's most excellent build of Aurora's Red Knight made me think maybe folks would like to share their vintage kit builds. These have all been seen here before, and are not all my vintage builds. Some are true antique kits, others [...]
This model of Medieval jousting armor is Aurora's 1963 reissue of their 1958 kit. The red color is the kit's metallic red plastic. The blue-green is Army Painter's "Wizards Orb." The gold is a 50/50 mix of Testors' Metallic Gold [...]
This is a Monogram 1/48 P-47D . The box is dated 1967 and was still shrink wrapped. It’s from the collection of a modeler, Mr Claude Good, that passed away about 1 year ago at age 86.
It is my interpretation of Captain Frank [...]
I have always made some effort to build Brazilian theme models, so I have several items in my collection. They usually are hard to build due most of the kits have some differences in comparison to the real thing operated in Brazil, so [...]
I started it about two years ago as a joy model (Matchbox Gloster Gladiator), then it ended up in a box, because the Alclad primer didn't want to bind, I still don't know why. Even after two years it was still a bit tacky (!). I had some [...]
This is Aurora's 1963 reissue of their 1957 kit. Though molded in black, I sprayed all the armor with Tamiya TS-40 Metallic Black (rattle can). The decoration is Army Painter Pure Red, dabbed on with an 18/0 brush, mostly following the [...]