weathering techniques
48 articles
This is actually my first 100% finished work of 1/24 cars! The rest just kinda didn't work out.
Fairlady 240z is my dream car to own and I do think the ZG version is classic. However, I don't have the feel to make a glossy, clean look and [...]
This is the (very) old mould Revell Leopard 1. There is a review of it on the Leopard Club website. Needless to say, it is a tad dated by modern standards!
This was my first attempt at using a pencil for the worn metal effect, I think I [...]
I decided to try out a few new (to me at least) techniques. I'm trying to get a metallic sheen to weathered parts of the tank and equipment. I've not done this using a pencil before and I think it's far more controllable than just straight [...]
I've started yet another AS1 Leopard, only this time I am showing the exposed engine compartment - from Perfect Scale Modellbau and the drivers compartment from Leopard Workshop. Both are excellent additions and worth every penny!
The [...]
This is my first article on the site and wanted to start both with my latest finished model and an out-of-the-ordinary model.
For those not familiarized with it, it represents a fighter from the anime movie The Wings of Honneamise made by [...]
Typically I weather my models using artist pastel chalk. With the chalk you can vary the depth of your weathering. For jet exhaust I used black, brown, light gray, and a touch of blue. Using multiple colors gives a nice blended look. The [...]
Ok,…it’s time-out. Here’s my work in progress; a Tamiya 1/35th 38(t) E/F. I decided to stop at this point, with very light dry brushing and pinwash. As an aside, this is a great kit, easy to handle, without lots of fiddly parts, [...]
Another cheap as chips kit! I grabbed this when i picked up the previous Tamiya Raiden which was also a '70's vintage kit. Being so cheap i thought i would continue my exploration of techniques and stumbled across the stressed metal look. [...]
My last post concerned my first oil and enamel washes as i am wanting to have a crack at different techniques and effects, this one concerns chipping, something that i think looks great but have been too scared to attempt. Well, time to [...]
The camo on this 110 will be black bottom and dark green RLM 72 on top side.
I wanted to see if I could attack a uniform black belly side and Dark green top side from a different angel with a realistic weathering. I am not a big fan of pre [...]