The workbenches Database at iModeler

27 articles
  • Items tagged with workbenches
  • 27 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 9 years ago

Man Corner...

I'm a bit late to the game - took 2 weeks vaca over the holidays to spend a crowded Christmas with my 6 kids, 3 kids-in-law, one soon-to-be son-in-law, and 5 grandkids - so haven't been keeping up with posts very well! We just moved in [...]

Work bench update Lunch of Champions!

Your eyes aren't deceiving you. Two IN-N-Out Double Doubles with grilled onions fries and a light beer. (I'm on a diet) And a fresh box of GAZ-03-30 for dessert. What could be finer. The GAZ is my next project. Really detailed. The [...]

New Cave

Finally in operational building mode after 2 years of moving, construction and repairing a horrid, inept contractors (lack of) workmanship, I can return to butchering plastic. Already have moved a few things around since these pics were [...]

Workbenches and man caves

Here are some seldom seen views of the ultra secret Mexican Skunk Works, located deep in the swamps of East Texas. Not quite as neat an elegant as some, but it's been serving me well for the last 25 years. There have been many model [...]

Me too Hobby room.........

Front and back shots. The shelves in the back are part of the stash and some past builds. I have my work area set up for a photo shoot. The third photo is my small On-30 model railroad in my kitchen. Oh the life of a bachelor! No woman [...]

My workbench created in 2008.

I presente you my little workbench created in august 2008... Happy new year Eric

Workbench 2015 :)

It's awesome that we have some memes yet so I'm in! This is myworkbench - sufficiently cleaned uf for the photos. Nothing special - a better part of my living room 🙂 On the third picture is a Fly Synthesis Storch I used to learn to fly [...]

OK I'm in. Workbench 2015.

Current workbench while still converting new railway carriage man cave.

I Can Play Too! Workbench/Mancave 2015-2016

Some of these photos I posted here about two and one half years ago in the "Mancaves" category. There have been some slight changes to my workbench and mancave since then so I figured I would get in with this workbench trend.

Workbench 2015

Not sure what this is about, saw others posting their own work benches and thought I might do the same. The bench is a artist hobby table, it can turn up 90 degrees upwards if used for easels (very nice). Also the shelving at the far end [...]