Messerschmitt Bf109E-1, Legion Condor, Eduard 1/48
This article is part of a series:
- Tamiya Bf 109E-3 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10 Revell 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 Trop 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2, Finnish Air Force “MT-225” 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-5, Wilde Sau, Eduard, 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-4 “Yellow 14”, Hans Joachim Marseille
- Messerschmitt Me109E-3a L-52, Yugoslavia 1/48
- Japanese Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4, Tamiya 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-4, Italian Air Force, Eduard, 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf109E-1, Legion Condor, Eduard 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf109 E-3a, Swiss, Tamiya 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, MT-422, Finnish Air Force, Eduard 1/48
- Messerschmitt Bf109 G-6 WNr 161742, Slowak, Eduard 1/48
My first Eduard Emil!
having built a few of Eduards F and G models, as well as Tamiyas nice old E models, this is my first Eduard Emil Build
It is build as 6o119 with the wooden eye emblem.
This kit has been around for a few years, so how it builds has been described elsewhere – quite often too. Suffice it to say that I still prefer the old Tamiya kit for its simplicity. If you want detailed engine and all Eduard is the obvious choice though.
I am not at all satisfied with my decal and paintwork, but room for improvement is the thing that drives us forward – right?
Next time I build a Eduard 109E I will be detailing the openings a bit and a lot of other areas will need a bit more than OOB attention I think.
By the way – 6o119 was later used as the prototype for the installation of the HS-12Z-89 engine for the Me-109J (Export versions were called Me – take my word for it) that was to be built in Spain. Now, that is another story – but obviously one that need to be built – one day. . .
Another nice looking 109, Erik. @airbum
To me that paintwork and decalling looks quite nice, especially that shiny propeller
The pictures taken with the low standing sun are great.
Thank you John @JohnB, up close and personal there are a few small rapairs to the paint that does not look good at all. But the low sun saved the day
The propeller was painted with a Molotow Chrome Pen, but I have since bought a re-fill and will be doing some airbrushing experiments with it. Thank you for your support and nice comments during the build.
Looks good Erik! What did you use for the antenna wire, I like it.
Hi Walt @waltosoaring, thank you. The antenna is courtesey of Uschi van der Rosten fine antenna thread. It is really just some elastic sewing thread that I do think is available at any well supplied sewing store - I havent tried to find any yet, as the roll supplied in the pack has lasted a long time, and will last a very long time yet. I may try to find some grey/silver for biplane rigging though!
Very sharp looking 109 E. I love the Condor Legion 109's. I did the 109 D of Hptm. Handricks back in 2014 with the CA kit.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
That’s a sharp looking 109 ! I like the 1936 Olympic Rings on the spinner too.
I also love your "D" too, Dale @dtravis!
Thank you Dale @dtravis. The Handricks D is in the stash too, but will have to wait a bit for other projects - I think. It does indeed look rather nice with the medalwinner markings of Handricks.
This is another great looking 109 ! I have recently purchased a pair of the 1/48 scale Modelsvit Bf-109 kits. One is a C and the other one is a newer D model. After seeing how nice these planes look wearing Legion Condor markings, it’s very tempting for me to drag them out and start cutting plastic.
But I have a certain 1/48 Tamiya Mosquito to finish first. I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it. Once it’s done and several other builds are completed, I will be asking you some questions about these 109’s. I do have plans to start a Luftwaffe group build in the future, but I’m going to wait until after the Empire of Japan group and your De Havilland groups have been finished. Otherwise it is really not fair to start another group build. When this time comes, I’ll be asking you for your assistance if you don’t mind.
I really like the chrome pen work on the prop. It looks highly polished and authentic. There’s a lot of little things you have done to your planes that set them apart from the rest. I also like the shade of color you used for the top side.
It looks really good, and I think you are too hard on yourself as it’s a fine looking plane as is.
Thanks for posting this and I also pressed the liked button too.
Thank you Louis @lgardner. The Modelsvit kits are very nice in the box - I still have to build one of them. I will have to think hard if I have anything to build in a Luftwaffe group, but perhaps something will come up
Another gorup I would like somewhere in the future is a interwar or early years airliner group, but as you say, we have a few going that will take our time for now. The chromepen is such a nice addition to the toolbox.
When I start the Luftwaffe group, I will make it so we can build planes from 1914 until at least 1945 or early 1946 so we can build some abandoned or derelict planes if someone wants to. Part of me also wants to include it up to modern times, in case there are some who want to build a Luftwaffe jet or two.
I'm sure you will have to do some digging to find a suitable project or two...
This turned out to be a really excellent model, extremely well researched, my friend @airbum!
Ity was a pure joy to follow your build and the completed model is adorable!
And what a series of articles for the 109s you have!
Well done, my friend; you can never have enough 109 models!
Thank you my friend. It was a pleasure as always to have you keeping the spirit up during the build Spiros @fiveten. I just started to connect all my 109's in headlines just to check how many I have
Perhaps 109 is within reach one day. . .
Well Erik, I have just taken the time to look at all 10 in order. This is just a marvellous achievement - you have shown such a wide range of variants and operators! And each one is a gem! I can't move for inspiration here!
Thank you Paul (@yellow10). Actually there are a few more that are waiting for the sun to pop out in order to get a nice picture for the headlines. Stay tuned for a few more 109's (heading for 109 109's, but still some planes to build to get there)
I like this one, Erik. Spanish civil war is an area of interest for me.
Thank you John (@j-healy). The Spanish Civil war does hold many stories and interesting planes and development. The 109's alone are full of experimental colors and new tec, so just imagine what the entire bunch could bring. No wonder it is a timeframe of special interest to you, and it is also a theme I tend to re-visit now and then.
Love the Spanish Civil War scheme on the early 109. Looks great!