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Rob Anderson
206 articles

58 year old Hurricane

December 11, 2022 · in Uncategorized · · 23 · 0.9K

Those who have seen my posts here know I have a love of kits, all vintage kits really, but especially Monogram. I always try and get as close to the original release date of a kit as I can find, and afford since the molds are clean and the fit is generally much better than modern re-pops. My method is simple I watch ebay and look for ones that fit the criteria. You need to be careful though. I originally bought an issue of this kit "sealed", the pictures looked good, but once it arrived I could tell it was a modern seal job, and inside was a 90s era issue of the kit. The seller refunded my money so no worries. Then I found this one, not sealed, but complete, correct 1964 first issue at a decent price. I usually build these old Monogram kits straight out of the box, working features and all, and that is what I did here. I love how many versions you could build from the kit! Fit was pretty good, some warping from its' journeys over the decades, but all in all, better than many modern kits. I had to source decals from aftermarket, and I did my best to match what came in the box, I came pretty close. The last photo shows my totally unorganized work bench, much like I would have had as a kid. I'm pretty sure there is at least one fingerprint in the paint, but at least it's not a glue print on the canopy!

Reader reactions:
23  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. love this! I'm a big fan of the vintage Monogram kits as well! The difference between the original's and modern reissues is incredible- recently completed a 1/48 Revell 2013 issue P-38j vs a Monogram 1966 issue of the same kit a few months back. Keep the vintage kits coming! Great result on your Hurricane!

    • I have an original issue P-38, it's near the top of the build pile

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

      • Mine was just a few years after your original, still built up real nice though! the 2013 issue was a totally different story. Looking forward to seeing you build the original- as you mentioned the fit on these old kits is really remarkable, and I personally like most of the raised detail(s) the canopies can be a bit thick but that's just part of the experience

        1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  2. The old gal looks great, Rob

  3. I did this same kit in the same paint scheme, yours looks way better than mine! Love those old Monogram kits too, keep 'em coming!

  4. Awesome build, I love your whole approach on buying and building. These old kits deserves to be built and shown to the world. Great job!

  5. Love that kit, Rob. I bought an original TBD still in worn 1974 shrink wrap at a show a few years ago. Unfortunately it had a massively short shot right fuselage. Into the parts bin that one went. Caveat Emptor.

  6. A fantastic build, Rob! So great to build old kits!

  7. You performed an excellent job on this Hurricane, Rob @robertandy
    Very nice looking classic kit.

  8. Old kits have soul. Great work.

  9. Gotta love it. That ol' biscuit is a joy for sure. The Hurri and FW were great with their multiple versions.
    BTW that bench is sqeaky clean.

  10. Great build! I love the old Monogram 48 scale kits, especially the ones with the box art from the late 1970's. My wife recently picked up an original issue Monogram 48 scale B-29 (the one with Thumper on it for nose art) from 1977 at Goodwill. All pieces were there, and the box was mostly intact. There was even a small piece of old clear cellophane tape on the box, with little bits of Christmas wrapping paper still on it!
    I agree with Bill, your bench is clean compared to mine!

  11. Great way to show the early Monogram quality. Nice looking Hurricane. That kit is just as old as I am!

  12. No kit like an old kit. Good job on this one, it looks great.

  13. Thanks everyone! Next up an old Tamiya 1/24 "Squad Leader" from the 70s...Maybe I need to get some 1/48 Bandai kits for armor...!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  14. I remember assembling this gem in the seventies. Of course it was full of fingerprints, but who cared back then! 🙂

  15. The box art is nearly as good as your build, great stuff.

  16. Another great one, Rob! I always liked the the blue boxed kits.

  17. Brought to life nicely! Keep 'em coming!

  18. Good one Rob. Brings back memories. Good use of beer/soda caps too.

  19. Great to see this one Rob lots of good memories here! Nice job!

  20. Nice work my friend. I built a B-17 I originally bought in 1986. Only real issue was the decals. Keep building!

  21. I made quite a few of those when I was a kid. Yours looks great!

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