60 articles · 4.2K karma · 14 friends · active 12 hours, 12 minutes ago

I've been model making as long as I can remember! I started with the good ol' Airfix aircraft and moved on from there. I now make armour as well as aircraft, with the occasional submarine (if it has internal detail!) thrown in. I'm based in the UK, but I do travel if I can. Sadly, this isn't very much due to my health. I'll post some pics of my work when I can

Latest progress on the A34 Comet

Well, I'm definitely approaching the "end game" with the tank itself. As you can see, it's now the things like the pioneer tools, tow cables and search light to go. I'll be putting an "RAC" helmet on the front of the [...]

A34 Comet

I recently had to put all my other projects on hold. An old army friend of mine asked me if I could make an A34 Comet tank for him. As it has a time limit it's been pretty full on getting it ready for the presentation it's wanted [...]

Rhodesian Hawker Hunter

Found this stalled project from 20+ years ago. As I'm taking care of my parents at the moment I decided to strip and repaint it. I'd obviously had difficulties with this one when I first made it. The problem was around the wing roots and [...]

Meng Leopard C2 more progress

Well, another spurt today. Body painted (tried preshading), wheels and tires painted and added. Just need to repair the parts I ham fistedly knocked off doing the turret! Next I'm going to try and get some figures for her...

Meng C2 Mexas with Dozer Progress

Well, at long last I've been able to do a small amount of modelling. This is the turret from my Meng Leopard C2 Mexas. It's got the thermal clad turret, which is a replacement one. I can't remember which manufacturer, but I do know it [...]

Cold War gone hot Tamiya 1/35 Schutzenpanzer Marder

Here's another vehicle for my Cold War gone hot series. This is the 1/35th Tamiya Marder. Sadly, this old kit is the only early version Marder available, all the others being post 1985. The kit will be depicted rushing past the M48A2GA2 as [...]

Cold War gone Hot, M48A2GA2

Here's another vehicle for my "Cold War gone hot" series. This is the Revell 1/35th M48A2GA2. The major construction is now done and I've started the weathering. I've added a small amount of battle damage on the front left side [...]

Schutzenpanzer Marder 1

This vehicle is going to form part of my "Cold War Gone Hot" series of diorama's. It's the old Tamiya Marder that I used in the camnet construction series. I've weathered down the original gloss tone to a more realistic matt [...]

UFO Interceptor

With the weather here being so bad and SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) banning any plastic modelling in the house, I decided to do something completely different. I've never modelled using card kits before so I decided to have a go at one. [...]

Camnet Construction continued...

Well, I left you having glued on the surgical gauze to your vehicle. Then I got carried away and finished off the two tanks and didn't photograph the process! So I'm continuing with a Schutzenpanzer Marder. Having added the gauze I then [...]