36 articles · 9.7K karma · 36 friends · active 3 days, 3 hours ago

I love modeling! I mainly do 1/48 aircraft from all countries and eras (mainly from about the interwar period to about the seventies) but also a few cars and some sci-fi! I've been modeling now for about five years after a fifteen year hiatus and have recently expanded into the wonderful world of resin kits! (Got a couple of Neomega cockpits for my Viggen and Buccaneer and their Yak-23 and J-29 Tunnan. Waiting on my LSM Martin B-10)

I generally have more than one kit going at a time to save cleaning time on my airbrush! I recently got done doing a Skyray, Cutlass, Crusader, Phantom and Tomcat all in Grey and white. Still have an A3D, Vigilante two Intruders and a Prowler to start on, but I'm sick of grey and white for a while! Now I'm on to some 50's era F-100s (two D's and an F) in 1/48 scale and am also working on a 1/32 F-100D and Lightning F.1A in Firebirds markings.

Apart from modeling I also enjoy accumulating foreign cars. Only two cars are in my stash because I put them there, the others seemed to just show up in my driveway! I saw there's a "My Garage" forum, I'll have to post some stuff there. I also will have my private pilots license 10 years this July and like to get up when weather is nice and finances allow it! (I have to rent my plane, and between the cars, flying and modeling, I can't do it all all the time!) I also enjoy attending EAA (I refuse to call it AirVenture) every year since I live in Oshkosh. (Anybody need photos from the museum for reference, just let me know. I'd be glad to help out!)

Wings of the Red Star Volume II – Yak-38 Forger

The Yak-38 Forger was the Soviet Union's take on how a VTOL aircraft should operate. It was derived from the experimental Yak-36 which like the Harrier didn't rely on supplimental lift engines. It used two Tumansky turbojets for lift and [...]

iModeler at the Movies. Klingon Bird of Prey

I know it may be too early to post, but since this was a Christmas present for my sister and is leaving today I had to get some shots. The kit is AMT's 1/350 Klingon BoP made up as the HMS Bounty from Star Trek IV, The Voyage Home. I [...]

Some 1:1 scale modeling.

Summer's here and I've been away from my bench getting some automotive projects done. Finally had the slushbox on my '75 Hornet rebuilt so I tackled something that always bothered me. The grille from the 75 and later cars. The 73/74 units [...]

Year of the Cat Group Build. Monogram 1/48 F9F Panther from The Bridges at Toko-Ri

I've been wanting to do a Panther for a while. I had a stillborn attempt back when I was in high school when the kit first came out. I was impressed at how well it went together and have always wanted to try again. I had a few troubles [...]

R.I.P. John Young

Gemini III, Gemini X, Apollo X, Apollo XVI, STS1 & STS9. He was on the first manned Gemini mission, walked on the moon and the commander on the first Space Shuttle mission. In his more mortal duties he flew planes like the Cougar, the [...]

Year of the Cat F4F Wildcat

Got too busy with the holiday season and also wanted to get one of these posted before the year was over. So, there's no antenna as I couldn't wait for some EZ Line. I should've taken the photos yesterday when it was a little overcast to [...]

HPH B-36 Peacemaker In Table Crushing 1/48 Scale!

HPH has gone all out now. The kit I have been dreaming about since childhood that everyone said no one would ever make just got released today. HPH was at Telford, but I don't know if they brought a prototype with them. (At least I havent [...]

FIAT G.91 R1 ESCI 1/48

Just getting to posting a weekend build. The first time I saw a picture of a Gina (young enough to be pre-internet, but still old enough to know what "license built" meant), I thought it was a license built Sabre. Now that I have [...]


Pictures (especially from my camera) cannot do justice to seeing a total eclipse with the naked MK1 eyeball. The hue the atmosphere takes on while having a sunset 360 degrees around you is indescribable. It's one of those things you have [...]

1/48 Academy Hughes 500D…OR….Does Anyone Want Some Reese’s Pieces?

Here is a model I've been wanting to try for a while. I have always loved the little Hughes 500. Fast, agile and very smart looking, especially when painted up like a box of Reese's Pieces! I have a hard time thinking of a better paint [...]