31 articles · 5.1K karma · 22 friends · active 1 year, 10 months ago
Hello from the Netherlands, where I live together with my wife Angelique.
Being from modelyear 1962 I can remember plastic scalemodeling has been a part of me since I was about 9 years of age, doing my best at my first Airfix kit.( from a plastic bag with headercard). The polystyrene virus has never left me, and with some on and off periods influenced by life I'm building more and more in the last couple of years. Subjects of interest are the RAF WWII and modern, Canadian Airforce, and niche subjects like for example waterbombers. Preferred scale is 1:72, but other scales and subjects are not ruled out. all depending on the state of the virus. Also a keen interest in airport ground equipment like refuelers, towtrucks etc.
I also like to build military soft skin vehicles in 1/72 and 1/35 scale, mostly WWII but also some modern ones.
Furthermore I'm the chairman of the IPMS south western regio chapter in the Netherlands.
First of all, Happy New Year to all of you.
I's been a while since my last posting here. Time has been limited maily due to a lot of work. The time left was spent with the family and actual building some models.
Next to work I'm also [...]
It has been a while, but just finished my 1/72 P-51-D Mustang from Airfix. This is the kit with their new tooling and it's a very nice kit to work on. Tolerances are tight and I managed to build it without a single blob of filler. With [...]
This sunday, 2nd of june I visited the regional scale model show of BSMC in Putte, Belgium. Located just east of Antwerp it is in easy reach with a one hour drive from where I live.
Lovely show, with lots of regional model groups showing [...]
So it has been a little while, but here I like to present my recent build of the B-26B Invader in use with the French Air Force in Vietnam 1955.
The B-26 Invaders used by the French in Vietnam were surplus American aircraft of which many [...]
Hello to you all.
I've just returned from a multiday visit to the International Toyfair in Nuremberg. This year it was the 70th edition of this major event.
While working as a official press photographer for a die-cast modelcar magazine I [...]
For a nice change I've build another German subject. The Focke Wulf F190 A8 with Blohm & Voss Bv246 "Hagelkorn" ( Hailstone) glide bomb.
A very nice kit of a unusual subject. Revell uses their nice Fw190 kit with the addition [...]
Suprises can come to you from a very unsuspected source...
As it happened I visited a model train fair yesterday together with a longterm modelmaker friend.
He spotted between all scale trains an old Revell 1/32 scale Spitfire, one of the [...]
This is what I finished in 2018, not the amount I had hoped for but pleased with the outcome. The Stuka and the Macchi were part of the North Africa campain GB. The Mirage 2000-C a late entry to the Year of the Cat GB. The Harrier [...]
Hello everyone, finaly things are settling down after our house move last month. Slowly picking up with building and finishing some overdue group builds.
Also time to visit one of the last events of this year. The Belgian Scale Modellers [...]
Hello all, just had a busy weekend with two modelshows on two different locations. One in Holland just 20 minutes from home on saturday, and the other show in Belgium with just over one hour driving away from home.
First I'll show some of [...]