45 articles · 15.9K karma · 35 friends · active 11 hours, 42 minutes ago

I'm a science educator, a Brit from London living in Queensland, Australia, with my wife and 2 sons. Dad taught me about WW2. He was 13 at the start of the war in Europe and made it into the Merchant Navy in '43. My uncle Artie was on HMS Ark Royal for the hunting of The Bismarck and when she was torpedoed herself in '41. Both outlasted the war. I built models with my dad in the mid-70s and early 80s. I finally made it back to the hobby in 2016. My 5-year-old has just built his first model - a Red Arrows Hawk. The cycle continues!

Junkers EF 126, Das Werk 1/32, 'First and Last' Project

After the 'Flight 19' lost Avengers project, a mini-group build instigated by our absent but not forgotten friend David Leigh-Smith, the small group of friends who had participated decided we might use the title of Adolf Galland's book and [...]

Pearl Harbour 80th Anniversary. AgakiHasegawa 1/700

I am posting this article at 8am, December 7th, Honolulu time. Exactly 80 years on from the moment of the first wave of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941. The aircraft carrier Agaki was Vice Admiral Chūichi Nagumo's flagship [...]

The Wingnuts Lanc is happening!

Border Models of China are putting out the WNW Lanc! I’ll let the pics do the talking. Anyone got the Handley Page 0 series molds!?

It’s a Mk1a Spitfire!

For anyone awaiting the news from Kotare Models (the old Wingnuts crew) - here it is: Fittingly announced on Battle of Britain Day - a 1/32 Mk1a Spitfire! Not a World War 1 Subject and not a WNW hangover! Equally fittingly the box art [...]

Kotare Modelslet the speculation begin!

Announced on FB earlier. The Wingnut wings gang ride again! Get your piggy banks ready! And pray for that Lanc in 1/32! Or perhaps the ‘Spad’ we all really wanted WNW to deliver! (Yes, I know I’m speaking for myself). The news as [...]

Armchair Airshow Biggin Hill

Given the state of affairs with CV19, Biggin Hill have just released footage of this year's 'Armchair Airshow'. Something for everyone here - B17s to Hellenic F-16 display teams, and much more. Enjoy! (link)


If this is true it’s a bombshell!

Review: Opening The Box! Copper State Models – Nieuport XXIII RFC 1/32

New Year’s Greeting iModellers! It is always great to find a kit-shaped package on the doorstep. Today the postman left me one from Latvia! Copper State Models changed hands a couple of years back, moving from Arizona to the Baltic. [...]

A Follow Up on The Eduard FireSome Better News!

Having posted on the fire at the Eduard Warehouse a day or two ago I’m pleased to be able to follow up with the text and a photo from a media post from earlier today: Dear friends, thank you again for your messages and [...]

2020 – More Bad News…

Although not the most important news currently, still another awful event in 2020. A fire has significantly damaged the Eduard warehouse. This from the company: Dear clients, Today, unfortunately, there was a fire in the Moste building, [...]