All about AFV and related military model making.
I've been modulating between aircraft and armor. This kit looked interesting. WW II was changing for Germany and as the prospect for victory was fading, the Wehrmacht moved from an offensive to defensive posture in armor. Basically, their [...]
Hello! As they say, it's better to see once than hear a hundred times)). The test assembly of the M2 tractor model has been completed, the result is in front of you. We can say that the model turned out - the castings are neat, easy to [...]
18 year old Bill finally gets his driver license. You know, I don't even remember how I acquired model kits prior to this. When we lived in Queens (New Yawk) there was a local hardware store (Vics) that had kits. The one I think about was [...]
Another wonderful and fun Tamiya build. Painted with Tamiya paints. Wethered with oils 🙂
121645443_774633696722762_2528466453303592894_n by b007scott, on Flickr
121586514_774633750056090_3626517748329211174_n by b007scott, on [...]
Very nice kit,here in Soviet Army markings.Tks for looking!
Done up to represent vehicles used in Desert Storm Rocos M109 155mm SPF and a M548 support vehicle. The diesel engine and flat car represents Army reserve railway units that staged army equipment at ports for shipment overseas.