iModeler Armor

All about AFV and related military model making.

AT-T tractor, 1/35, from Trumpeter

Greetings to all forum members. The AT-T heavy artillery tractor was used by the USSR during the cold war, for the transport of heavy artillery and some types of missiles. It was based on the chassis and engine of the T-54. Trumpeter's kit [...]

Komatsu LAV, 1/35, from Tamiya

Greetings to all forum members. On this occasion I wanted to show you this project which I tried to do quickly and without great complications. It is the Komatsu LAV of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, a vehicle analogous to the Hummer or [...]

1/35 Academy M1A2 Abrams SEP v2 TUSK II

The Abrams tank has always been a challenge for me to model. I've never had a happy time building these, being so infuriated by the old Dragon offering with the separate guide teeth on their floppy, rubbery tracks that I didn't even bother [...]

IDF Shot Centurion Mk.51

Израильская модификация английского танка Центурион.

IDF M51 Supersherman

"Шерман" для Цахала.

Merkava Mk.1

Merkava Mk.1 Hybrid. חטיבה 7 גדוד 75 פלוגה 3 Машина 3 роты 75 батальона 7 дивизии Цахала.

IDF М730AI Chaparral

Модель зенитного комплекса Цахала.

Trumpeter 1/35 IS-7

Straight outta World of Tanks, it's the IS-7! This is an absurd vehicle, and it was too absurd even for the post-GPW Soviet Army, which rightly rejected it. But WHAT IF...? So, I guess this needs a backstory? What if a mass uprising of [...]


Танк TIRAN-4, советский Т-54, армии Южного Ливана.

IDF M113

Израильские модификации М113. Модели фирм DRAGON, TAMYA.