All about AFV and related military model making.
Simple and fast building OOB,some missing marks per request of the owner..hope you like it...
Another great kit from Meng. This will be paired with my Plattformwagen Type SSys for a rail transport vignette. I was torn about how much weathering to apply, thinking that a tank in transit wouldn't be as dirty and worn as something [...]
100% New tool Academy1/35 German Panzer III Aus.J "North Africa".
Kit No.13531
Very nice and easy kit to build, low parts count and superb details in many areas with lot of extra parts for future version.
Thanks for watching!
All [...]
I just finished this Sherman during lockdown in New Zealand,it took my 2 months fantastic 'holiday'
The tank is form tasca-Japan, and addons come from Legend-Korea
Thanks for viewing my listing ( my first post on imodeler )
My Italeri 1/35 Staghound done as when used by the Southern Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment (SRACR) during the Rhodesia & Nyasaland Federation days.
It is based on the one on display at the Zimbabwe Military museum, Gweru.
Paints used [...]
My recently completed GCT 155mm AU-F1 on a T-72 chassis.
This was mainly an OOB with only the barrel being an aftermarket metal one.
Paint used is Vallejo Model Color No 128: 70.824 German Cam Orange Ochre. Last 2 pics are in natural light [...]
Here is my now completed Tamiya Flakpanzer Gepard.
This was painted using a brush and Vallejo Model Color paints.
Just finished this one,for a friend,who wished it had full of stuff inside and out!Again,disregard the crew...all the best and tks for visiting.
A Tamiya 1/35 oldie but nice to build...hope you like it (forget the crew...)...
Here is my Iraqi Army T-72M completed as part of the Gulf War/Desert Storm Group Build. I corrected the 1/35 Tamiya kit with a more accurately-shaped SBS resin turret, including supplied photo-etched details for the searchlights and [...]