Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
In the years immediately following the Second World War, the pace of aircraft development slowed in Britain. In part, this was due to the fact that no immediate enemy was perceived, which is a natural reason for governments to slow the [...]
I did this Sabre back in 2003 and recently re-photographed it.
The Sabre almost didn't happen. Had the Air Force not been willing to delay the F-86 program while North American undertook to study the swept wing research done by [...]
I promised another series of older builds - here they are: the Novo Sea Hawk F.G.A 6, the ModelCraft Sea Vixen FAW.2, and the Premiere Sea Venom FAW 21.
Again, no seam filling or extra detailing. I did add a whip aerial to the Sea Venom, [...]
For something different, I thought I'd post a collection of German fighters I built quite a few years ago. These were all built before I did anything other than just finishing them out of the box, slapping on some paint, and putting on a [...]
Another very black cockpit from the ANAM museum at Moorabbin airport outside Melbourne, Australia. This time the much more cramped office of a side by side seated Sea Venom. It is very clear this early jet is made of wood, as can be seen [...]
There just something great about the Harrier and such a shame they taken out of service far too early.
Still there good kits released of this classic British aircraft and Kinetics' 1/48th Sea Harrier FA.2 is a very good kit eventually. End [...]
This is the old tooling of Airfix's Mk 1 Hurricane. I chose to model it "in flight" and mounted the aircraft on a clear plastic pole. The base is a fence post top covered with model railroad static grass. Mostly the kit was built [...]
this is the Trumpeter F-100C kit which I built some 3 years ago. I had absolutely no trouble with it apart from a little bit of fettling around the air intake. Finish is Alclad & decals by Xtra Decals. The weathering is very [...]
Another oldie from the shelf. This is the venerable Airfix Fiat G.50 with some improvement. I made this kit years ago when this was the only g.50 around. I scrachbuild the cockpit area and the wheel wells, intakes etc and rescribed the [...]
On April 25, 1945 lands Oberfähnrich Guido Mutke with the Messerschmitt 262 in Dübendorf.
Beautiful Christmas greetings and a Happy New Year