Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
Found on Youtube today is this animated build of Airfix 1/72 Gloster Gladiator by Tom Grigat. Don't ask me how the video was done - I have no idea, but it sure is beautiful!
Build from the BOX .
decals from Microscale .
Paint by brush whit XTRACOLOR.
made in 1995.
Another image from the archives found
Presenting my F-117 that was finished a while back- finally getting around to posting pictures of it. Only aftermarket used was an Aires resin ejection seat.
While researching the boarding ladder I realized that essentially they are [...]
Look what just landed in the back yard ! (snicker snicker) I like building helicopters. I made new parts for both sets of rotor blades from brass rod, tubing and E string. This allowed free spinning for the photos and to prevent breakage [...]
I am happy to share another of my low vis A-7E's. The first one I posted a while back was a Desert Storm A-7E, and I didn't have much luck with photographing the intake - or the photography of it in general!
I think this upload is better- [...]
I found this F7F-3N AMT kit to be a smooth build with no noticeable problems other than those that were self-inflicted. Despite filling the nose with lead, I found the model to be a dedicated tail-sitter. AMT must have been aware of that [...]
This is my Focke Wulf 190 F-8 I./SG2 Red 10. Flown by an unknown pilot in Raab – Hungary, January 1945.
This Bf 109G-14 was one of the aircraft captured after the war at Pilsen (Plzen), Czechoslovakia. The Luftwaffe unit that flew this aircraft is unclear. The previous markings are still visible under the more recent ones and the KG 55 badge [...]
Reconstruction of Fw190A-8/R2, “Black 10”, flown by CO of 8./JG 300, Karl Spenst, in December, 1944. This aircraft was photographed on November 27th, 1944 at Lobnitz, while still carrying the brick red fuselage band. The identifier for [...]
build from the box,kit full of inaccuracies made for a second chance contest
Twenty years ago,