iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

1/32 Tamiya Mosquito

Progress has been slow on this and not because it's a difficult kit to build. We're fostering a 6 month old Teacup Yorkshire Terrier who has taken up a lot of time so modeling has temporarily taken a back seat. Anyway, Ihave done a little [...]

Focke-Wulf 190A-9, 1945

Yet another oldie! This is Otaki's 1/48 FW-190A-8 that I originally started as just a 'paint mule' to try out a paint mix. One thing lead to another and, well, here you are. I added details to the cockpit, belts from aluminum tape and [...]

Matchbox B-17G: Fools Rush In Where Wise Men Fear To Tread

The B-17 Flying Fortress is one of the iconic aircraft of World War 2 and easily one of the most recognizable bomber type in the world (although fans of the Lancaster might have something to say about that.) When it first flew in combat [...]

Tamiya bf. 109 G-6 : a lesser knowned ace

Wolf-Udo Ettel is one of several lesser known fighter aces of the Luftwaffe. Achieving his Iron Cross in June 1943 after claiming his 120th victory in Russia. A few days later he was transferred to Italy, commanding 8./JG27, proceeding to [...]

Boeing P-26s of the 17th Pursuit Group (1/32 Hasegawa)

Billed for publicity purposes as the “revolutionary Boeing fighter,” the Boeing P-26A was a mixture of old and new. The first all-metal monoplane fighter to serve with the Air Corps, it was also the last USAAC fighter with [...]

Boeing FA 18F Hornet, A44-210, 1 Sqn RAAF Amberly Qld 2016.

1/72 Hasegawa, started early 2015, finished for the nose art group build, more details there, marked to celebrate 100 years of 1 Sqn.

Würger sporting serpents

Hello guys! The brand name Airfix is a part of my memory of youth together with its mold color light blue. I bought quite a few kits of the brand, mainly of Luftwaffe, but none were completed... So, this is virtually the first Airfix that [...]

T-28 Trojan

This is not my build. I saw this plane in a modelshow in france. It was my favorite from the whole contest. I would like to present to you this extra ordinary build from an unknown modeller. It is a 1/32 scale T-28 Trojan. The kit is from [...]

Priller’s Würger…D-Day, 6 Jun 1944

Eduard 1/48 Fw 190 A-8 (old mold). I first saw “The Longest Day” as a 14-year-old airplane nut when the movie first came out in 1962. The scene showing Pips Priller’s D-Day strafing run on SWORD Beach has stayed with me since. In [...]

1/28 Spad XIII by Revell

I got this model about two years ago from my Dad for Christmas. I had recently got into WWI era vehicle because of the game Battlefield 1 (a WWI first person shooter). The Spad XIII was a French fighter plane that was introduced in the [...]