iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

F9F-2P Panther

Trumpeter 1/48 scale F9F-2 built straight out of the box just adding etched seat belts. Aeromaster sea blue was used to paint the model using the decals supplied. The base is resin PSP planking painted with humbrol metalcote with markings [...]

Ki-84 Hayate

Hi, using this as a kind of introduction, few pictures of my recent build, i am one very lazy modeller so i won´t be posting much. For now i just want to explore how this all works and questions will come later, cheers.

1/48 Morane-Saulnier “N”

This is the Eduard kit built straight from the box. Stainless steel wire rigging, lead sheet seat belt, painted with Humbrol enamels. You could call the “N” the world’s first fighter plane. Enjoyable project if you can find a kit. [...]

F/A-18C Hornet Swiss Air Force

F / A-18C Hornet J-5011 "NATO Tigermeet 2011 11 Squadron A 1:32 Scale Model built by Academy with Decal by syhartdecal. friendly greetings Hans Peter

A Gooney Bird tale – Douglas C-47B – Monogram 1/48

When I got back into plastic modeling a few years ago, I set a couple of goals for the projects I would do. The first was to model subjects I had never done before, which has proven to be successful as I have yet to build a Mustang. The [...]

C-17 Globemaster II, 1/144 Revell + Flap down set

Like you can see through my profile picture, I like very much this big bird . I watched it take off and famous short landing in airshow last year and this visual broke my stereotype thought of physics. Kit is Revell's 1/144 USAF version. [...]

1/72 KP Aero A.100

I originally built & photographed this old KP kit (with an ARC contribution) about 10 years ago, A few days ago I noticed it had jiggled close to the edge of its shelf, and when I went to re position it I noticed the right aileron [...]

Tamiya 1/48 P-47D Razerback 2Lt Lloyd Hathcock

My third in a series of aircraft flown by the Tuskegee airman. This one depicts a P-47D flown by 2Lt Hathcock with the 301st Fighter Squadron in Ramitelli, Italy. Build pretty much out of the box, but I did include a Ultracast seat and [...]

Turkish Air Force F-102 Delta Dagger – Encore Models – 1/48

Encore Models, 1/48 scale F-102 kit. Box number is 48001. This kit has totally raised panel lines on grey stiff plastic. There are some fitting problem mentioned in progress page. Wing are CASE XX wing in this box. The kit includes colored [...]

Lockheed EC 121 Warning Star, 135756, USN Pacific Missile Range, Point Mugu California 1961.

1/144 Minicraft, almost OOB, I added some piano wire axels to the main undercarriage, finished in MM enamels with Future over kit and other decals, built 2006 to 2009.