iModeler Reference

Reference material for your modelling projects

DH Mosquito cockpit

There aren´t many surviving Mosquitos around these days. So what to do? Build your own of course. At least that is what Lincoln Nietschke did for his own museum in Greenock, South Australia. This is a wooden full scale model of a wooden [...]

RAN Fairey Firefly AS.6 cockpit

Here are a few photos from Australian National Avation Museum at Moorabbin airport, Melbourne, Australia. Thought someone might like a "sit-around" in the cockpit of Fairey Firefly AS.6, WD 827. General impression is good view [...]

Camouflage & Markings – Pulqui, Argentina’s jet adventure

From the editorial archives comes this reprint of an old article from 2002, with artwork kindly provided back then by Ricardo Dacoba. Those were the times 🙂 Published as a comment to Gabor Szabo's model article from the week. For a [...]

Camouflage & MarkingsHawker Fury

The Fury, originally named Hornet, first entered service with 43 Squadron RAF in May 1931. Powered by the Rolls-Royce V12 Kestrel IIS, the Fury was the RAF's first interceptor fighter capable of exceeding 200 mph (top speed 207 mph). The [...]

Camouflage & MarkingsBristol Bulldog

For a time during its service career the Bulldog equipped 70% of the RAF's fighter defence force, with eleven squadrons in service. The prototype, powered by a Jupiter VII engine, first flew on 17 May 1927. The aircraft had a problem with [...]

Camouflage & MarkingsGloster Gamecock

The Gamecock was developed from the Grebe, with the more powerful Jupiter engine replacing the Jaguar. The prototype was delivered in February 1925 and a further 90 production machines were eventually ordered, entering service with 23 [...]

Camouflage & Markings – Hawker Woodcock

The Woodcock was designed as a night fighter to meet an RAF requirement in 1922 and the first prototype, Mk. I, with a Jaguar II engine, flew in March 1923. This aircraft had a number of serious problems and was redesigned with a Jupiter [...]

Camouflage & MarkingsArmstrong Whitworth Siskin

The first prototype of the Siskin flew in May 1919. Unfortunately its Dragonfly engine, of which much was expected, proved to be lacking in power and was unreliable. Hence, after some long time, the aircraft was redesigned with a metal [...]

Camouflage & MarkingsFairey Flycatcher

Entering service in1923, the Flycatcher was one of the earliest aircraft specifically designed and built for operation from aircraft carriers. Fitted with floats, it could also be operated from catapults on battleships and cruisers. The [...]

Camouflage & Markings – Gloster Grebe

The Grebe was the RAF's first new fighter to enter service in the UK after World War I. At first one flight of 111 Squadron was equipped with them at Duxford alongside their Snipes and Siskins from October 1923. Five other squadrons were [...]