Science fiction, fantasy and mecha model building.
This build went together rather easy. I started off with the IDF Nagmachon APC kit from Hobbyboss, that I received as a reward for the 'Random Award' in November 2017. I then converted the kit into a hover unit using the kits original [...]
Hello all
This is the Revell snap together TIE interceptor kit.
I added cockpit details such as seat straps and consoul switches as well as a scratch built base and an R2 unit to fix the battle damage.
This is Bandai's excellent "snap time play time" as my son calls it. They do with snap fit what some companies can't do with traditional methods. They don't bake their plastic which means that it can be effected by some of the [...]
Finally finished something other than figures. This is a 1/72 Hasegawa kit based on the Japanese anime series Macross. Hasegawa has been slowly increasing their line of these jets. The fit is not Tamiya but its not too bad. It goes from [...]
I loved the first series of Battlestar Galactica when I was a kid. When they re-did the series in 2004-2009 I was very busy with school work for college, and did not watch it. I did get to finally see it about a year ago on video. When I [...]
Blue Squadron did an awesome job of racing through the gate and getting into the battle of Scarif in Rogue One: a Star Wars Story. The Leader of Blue Squadron was Antoc Merric. He and his squadron of X-Wing fighters destroyed several of [...]
I was lucky enough to find this Limited Edition kit that was left over from the advanced sale at the San Diego Comic Con. I used Vallejo paints, Abteilung Oils mixed with Odorless thinner for washes, and Hand Brush Painted it all.
Hey all, this is my entry into the #trooperbuildoff on instagram, check it out this weekend to see some really unique and imaginative StarWars troopers make sure to vote for your favorite one!
For the build, as always stepped out of my [...]
Where to start with this build? Bandai 1/12 Star Wars Clone Trooper. Started off trying to do something unique with the paint scheme did some research and my goodness there are tons of different variations people have come up with! It’s [...]
Was really hesitant to post this guy, haven’t seen that much sci-fi stuff (remember I’m new!) But hopefully it has a place here on the site (if not please let me know) This is a Bandai 1/12 Sandtrooper, the weathering was done from my [...]