Science fiction, fantasy and mecha model building.
This is the 1/72 Y-Wing from Bandai. It is very good kit but so far the first one i wouldn't give to a kid. There is loads of piping it is finicky and fragile. This has taken the longest of any Bandai I have done. Most of the bast build [...]
After hearing such great things about these Bandai Star Wars kit, I had to try something out of character. Even though these are 'snap tite' kits, they are premium quality and well engineered =. Plenty of detail. Almost zero filling and [...]
I've had a pretty productive weekend with my little Falcon. After tracking down a misdelivered order of LEDs and fiber optics to my neighbors porch I mocked them up in the sub-light engines to get an idea of how they look. I will have to [...]
I participated a group building after year changeover and decided to do something new & small. My first motorcycle model is a bit special while it is an amalgam of bio-/mechatronics parts. Modified to military use, Battle Hopper is a [...]
This was a fun build. Bandai have kept trying new ways to do capes. Ren's is a soft flexible material that holds really good surface detail. I sprayed it black. Bandai kits are coloured right out of the box but they look a lot better if [...]
As this piece is from a miniature game the build is quite rudimentary. A handful of parts snap together tightly and don't require glue. Overall its not too bad especially if space is a big limitation for you. It has decent detail though [...]
Started this one as part of a buddy build with 4 other guys, all building the same kit (either Moebius or Revell issue).
Straight away, I wanted to change the OOB pose because I've always thought it looks weird!
Took a fair amount of [...]