Reports from modeling shows, air displays and similar events.
The Chalkis 20th Static Modeling Exhibition took place on 18, 19 and 20 March. Held in Chalkis, my hometown, at a really nice exhibition building, it was passionately organized by our little modeling club and hosted a respectable number of [...]
After a 2-year hiatus, the show returned this year to Ljubljana, Slovenia with standard participation of modellers from Slovenia as well as those of nearby countries like Croatia, Italy, Austria, Serbia,...
This will be a 2-part article [...]
Flight demonstrations of the Swiss Air Force
Axalp October 18, 2022
More pictures can be seen at
Hi everyone!
The "Athens Flying Week" annual air show took place in 114CW Tanagra Air Base on 17 and 18 September. This air show has established itself successfully the last ten years that it runs, being a significant and much [...]
On sunday 18/09/2022 the social exhibition of the ace of sword club was held in Varese ( Italy).
In which other modellers from Lombardy,piedmont,Veneto and Canton Ticino ( switzerland)partecipated in addition to the club members [...]
Today I had the pleasure going for my first model show in the past 2/3 years, adding to the fact it was also my first time in that specific show, already on its VIII edition, the one from the associação de modelismo regiao de Lisboa, [...]
The final set of photos.
These are for Medium Scale Aircraft - Jet or Rocket Propelled (1/36 to 1/71) - Open.
The next selection of models are Medium Scale Aircraft - Propeller - Axis (1/36 to 1/71) - OOB.
After a 2 year, Covid 19 induced absence, the Australian Model Expo was held in Melbourne from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th of June, 2022.
A record 902 models were entered in the various competition categories.
This year was also the first [...]