iModeler How-to

Tips and solutions to improve your modelling techniques.

Review: Super Lube review

Video: How to build Tamiya Ki-61-Id HIEN (TONY) 1:48

An Experiment

When mixing small batches of paint for hand brushing, I need that paint to stay "open" and workable for a decent interval. Heat from my desk lamps further decreases the paint's workable time. In the past, I've used Windsor & [...]

Video: Improving a cheap airbrush

Wooden it be nice……

To have some really thin wood to do the plywood flooring of a B-17? My daughter gave me some thin wood samples after she graduated industrial design school and they are perfect for replicating things such as the flooring of B-17s! The [...]

About Marmite chipping [video]

I've recently learned about using Marmite instead of salt as a masking medium for chipping, and I immediately fell in love with the idea. Before trying it out on my current project, I've found this very useful video tutorial from Tom [...]

Review: Balsa Foam review

Vignettes: a How-to Guide Series

Now on pre-order (save €4), Joaquin Garcia Gazquez's new book from Accion Press. The book is A4 format, 168 pages, in colour, new edition with English/Spanish text. The Modelling News: Preview: Joaquín García Gázquez's new book - [...]

Blue Tube Attack Sub

This year I decided to start up a model club at my school. With the help of a local hobby shop and modeler who was selling off his collection of unbuilt kits, I was able to get enough stuff together to offer 20 students a chance to make a [...]

Review: Badger Paint Mixer review