iModeler Uncategorized

U.S. Homeland Defense, 1958

The CIM-10 BOMARC missile was the US Air Force entry in America's air defence, an unmanned adjunct with its air defense fighter interceptors. The missile featured a liquid-fuel booster with two ram jet sustainers, longer range than the [...]

How big is big? the H-K B-17G in progress

So, how big is big? This is the H-K B-17G hanging in its storage area on the wall, next to a 1/48 Tamiya Lancaster. Those of you who have the 1/48 :Lanc in your collection think of it as a big model, yes? Not so much here! Ten days of [...]

Industrial Locomotives AKA "Critters"

In the real world of railroading there are three levels of diesel locomotives; the high horsepower locomotives produced by General Electric and Electro Motive, the medium 2000 HP units, followed by heavy duty switch engines in the 100-125 [...]

Prize kit has landed :)

My prize kit (from Imodeler August Best in Show winner) has arrived this week. Here are some pictures. This is 1/48 Eduard Profipack Spitfire Mk.IXc late version. The kit looks very very nice, especially surface details are excellent. Hope [...]

GI Joe's Toys Into Art

First off, I had nothing to do with these exceptional figures. The workmanship is so good I want to share it with our group. Since I can't model a decent figure, in any scale, these G I Joe upgrades blew me away. Someone emailed me these [...]

Revell 1 / something or another Spitsfire Mk II

Flight Leftenant Rif Raf, KBE, DSO, DFC, EIEIO, ETC was assigned to 13 Squadron, Royal Air Farce, in early September 1940, just in time for the start of the Battle of Briton. A few weeks after his assignment, he was involved in the now [...]

Lucky me!

My prize from July's competition has arrived. After much care and thought from Martin, I've received this super Tamiya 1/12 Honda motorcycle kit [pic 4], along with the detailing kit [pic 2], and the kit also includes this helpful color [...]


Thanks Imodeler, for my contest prize. Just as soon as I clear a couple recent endeavors, off the bench, it will be time to start my new Eduard Weekender Hellcat F6F-3. I've heard a lot of great things about this kit, and am looking [...]

iModeler August Awards

Disruptions in our editorial work continued last week as yours truly went through a thoroughly frustrating network and computer upgrade of my home office. Apologies to everyone for a delay -- here are the results of our August contest, [...]

Just a little something different....

Normally I do not do any type of figure kits, and quite frankly I don't really like to do them. However these I did for a very good friend of mine. Not only did we work together for many years, we have been very good friends.I did these in [...]