Well, this was a journey. Trumpeter's A-1H has its strong points and weak points. many of which have been written about by myself and others. So I will not belabor them here. Would I recommend this kit? Well, if you want a 1/32 A-1H [...]
British Infantryman
Somme 1916
1:10 Resin.
Young Miniatures
I know it’s been a while since I showed you a model I’ve made.This is a 1/18 scale of a Flak 88 AA/AT gun. I showed a smaller one last year.
The Val is my first entry to The Empire of Japan Group build. The Fujimi Val is not as detailed as the Hasegawa offering, but shape wise it is pretty accurate. A kit from the mid 70's, but it does have fine engraved panel lines. Just [...]
Continuing with the A-1H. One thing that is notable about most pictures of Skyraiders is the heavy exhaust staining and general grime on the aircraft. I did mine using a combination of pastels and airbrush. Footprints and stains on the [...]
Well here is my story. Some say it's true. and most say it isn't.
The call was out for a rough terrain anti aircraft vehicle . At reasonable costs.
Soooo, four shock absorbers, four leaf springs, and a extended steering control arm all in [...]
The pilot and canopy are set in place for the pictures, can't say I have enjoyed the build. Fiddly, and the instructions leave a lot to be desired, but so far I like how it is turning out.
Not one of my favorite models to say the least.
This one has been hanging out on the "Shelf of DOOM?" for more than a few years. Looking at it every once in a while, starting in on it...and then putting it back. Love the plane [...]
Well detailed and designed kit, that is packed with detail. Built this kit straight from the box, and I still need to weather and "beat her up a tad",using thinned oils and pastels, before adding the fiddlelies.
Great build, [...]
Hello all,
I was thinking that it would be a great idea to share with you the kits i recently purchased from the hobby store. I was lucky and got the Prince of Wales at a bargain $64 for its massive size. Both kits are Tamiya and their [...]