Some things are simply outstanding...and FREE! This is true about the Vallejo paint company's "Equivalency " chart. Like many modellers, I am always looking-up paint equivalents, mainly so I can use some paint that I have [...]
Hobby Craft kits... What can I say that hasn't already been said? Soft on detail, shape issues, sometimes out and out incorrect... However, they did subjects that many other main stream manufacturers did not, or would not do. While the [...]
Hi folks,
Well, here's a real blast from the past.
This kit was initially released by Adams Models in 1958, re-boxed by UPC in 1963 and then re-boxed by Life-Like in 1974. I've lost a few parts over the years so I had to scratch build the [...]
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A 1970s white box release of the venerable Monogram Dauntless. Before Accurate Miniatures and Hasegawa came in the the game, this was the only 1/48 scale SBD available. It was originally released in the early 60s and as was the trend [...]
Ok, so I started this project about 3 to 4 weeks ago and heres my progress so far. After rescaling the buildings to the same as the base sheet I started in earnest. The One Word Trade Center is 3 9/32 tall so if I did my math right it's [...]
Now with the "virus" running rampant, it has caused many of us to stay at home. Some of us are working from home while others are following advice and trying to remain healthy. Then there are some who are at home because they [...]
I would like some opinions from people about how to best rig biplanes. I have read a few articles I found online. If you have any experience on which technique you like best, which article you found most helpful, or just how you do it, I [...]
This is my latest build. Finished it about a week ago, along with the Tamiya P-38, which I still need to run the aerials on.
Great kit, that really went together well. Excellent detail, throughout even if it is a little fiddley in [...]