iModeler Uncategorized

Hobbyboss F-80 C Shooting Star “Saggin Dragon”

Although serving in small numbers towards the end of World War II, Lockheed’s pugnacious fighter made a name for itself as a fighter and strike bomber during the Korean War. To commemorate the start of the Korean War 70 years ago and to [...]

Skyraider R3350-Duplex Cyclone Engine, jigsaw puzzle from Trumpeter!

So, I hope the rest of the instructions are better than the engine instructions! Some trial and error and leaving out a part that can't be seen that interfered with the whole works and I got her together. Thankfully there are lots of [...]

Stolen from the LHS Modeler’s Estate Sale – my next project

Soo... the LHS opened back up this week ("no shoes, no shirt, no mask, no service") and I happened to drop by. Noticed a bunch of older kits on the shelves again, and asked Dave "is there a modeler's estate sale on?" [...]

Next up

BIG it's SO BIG! Started on the engine.

Video: F/A-18E Super Hornet 1/72 - Flaps - Folded WingsConversion Tutorial

Patreon (link) Facebook page: (link) My web: (link) Music/Hudba: Music by Epidemic Sound ((link)) (link) Awash - Gavin Luke The Light from Within - Howard Harper-Barnes Plastic Waste - Soara

Atlantis/Revell NB-52A 0003 with X-15

What can I say, if you want an exacting replica of the NB-52A in small scale, you CAN get there, but man it would be a lot of work. Me I decided to get a clean build, add some of the camera ports and windows and build it like a desk top [...]

Video: Workplace Walk Around - Camera SetupMilestone Bonus 500 000 subscribers

Patreon (link) Facebook page: (link) My web: (link) 12V-40V 10Amp PWM DC Motor Speed Controller Dimmer Voltage Regulator with Knob (link) for modification -: You need only the regulator board and 12V 2A or more A power supply. You can use [...]

Some odd old parts wanted...

Not sure if this is the place to post this, but I didn't see the marketplace in the groups section. I'm looking for some old parts; need canopies for a 1/42 Strombecker / Aurora TT-1 Pinto, and for the 1/48 Hawk / Testors F2H Banshee. [...]


This little trick I've tried before but it suits this HK Mdels 1/48 B17 perfectly. Basically, we all get fed up with not being able to see the interior detail when we're finished. Couple of magnets stuck as shown and the top comes off and [...]

Model building time capsule from 1969 Revell X-3!

I have been searching for one of these in the shrink wrap for a while. I remember buying this kit at a small store above our local market. It was the 88 cent store, which was not like the modern 99 cent store, but more like an [...]