iModeler Uncategorized

R.I.P. Edgar “Mr. Spitfire” Brooks

Edgar Brooks died of cancer yesterday. He was only diagnosed with it recently, when it was terminal. He went immediately into hospital,. and was gone within days. There's an argument to be made that was a blessing, but I'll argue [...]

Tamiya Swordfish II

George's very nice Swordfish on floats got me thinking about the Swordfish II I did a couple years back. Most of the Swordfish produced during the Second World War were constructed by Blackburn Aviation, including all Swordfish Mks. II and [...]

Video: What is iModeler?

A 2-minute description of iModeler, the extraordniary new way of sharing a modeling interest.

New photo Format? Whoo Hoo! How about a bit of a walk around….

I fell in love with this aircraft. You can see why. Here are some detail closeups. Martin! This is wonderful! Thanks. California Steve

Modelling Likes

A request really - our club set up its Facebook page last year and the link has slowly been gaining momentum. Last month, we had two new members join the club, having come across it on Facebook, which we thought was a good thing. I'm [...]

Eastern Front Field Briefing

German Soldiers at a Field Briefing. I very much enjoyed this little kit of figures from Tamiya. I plan to expand on this Eastern Front Theme by adding a Tiger Tank in winter Whitewash with a Crew in winter camo in back of this field [...]

1/48 Tamiya F4U-1D USS Hancock

Another shelf of doom finish. Corsair painted with Model Master Paints. Weathered with Mig wash. Tamiya Pilot finished with Tamiya paints and Mig wash. Cheers Brian

RAF Bodney Spring 1944

My fifth 352nd FG build. 1/48 Tamiya P-51B and Jeep. Figures are Tamiya and ICM. Painted with tamiya paints and weathered with Mig and AK washes . Cheers Brian

1/48 Tamiya Do335B-2 Heavy

Well folks another shelf of doom kit finished. This one of of the 335 captured by the French by the end of the war. Painted with tamiya paints. Weathered with Mig and AK washes. Cheers Brian

Tamiya 1/48 Me-262s

I wasn't particularly happy with the Tamiya Me-262 kits when they came out 12 years ago. Tamiya managed to drop the slats and drop the flaps on their Bf-109E, but they couldn't do it on their Me-262? To this day, the Monogram kit is [...]