Hello modeler friends, continuing my task to find and assemble the old kits that my father and I assembled in the past, (the first one I assembled was the Nakagima Gekko that I posted some time ago) the time has come for this Douglas P-70. [...]
This build was all about the decals. The airframe is just the foundation for their application.
Courtesy of Skytamer.com
The Extra Flugzeugbau EA-300 is a two-seat aerobatic monoplane capable of Unlimited category competition. It was [...]
Kit is quite old, and not so fun to build, but I managed to complete it. Raised panel lines are surely not my favorites...
Intake should be naturally white inside, but I noticed it too late in order to fix it. Not the only mistake I'd [...]
With all its fit issues, Hasegawa's Scooter is a very nice kit that depicts well the aircraft. Hasegawa had a dedicated IDF late Skyhawk version in a limited edition boxing. These kits quickly disappeared from the market leaving the [...]
I started on a commission project commissioned by Fredrik. The theme of this project is an 'Austrailian Road Train in the outbacks'. Fredrik wanted a weathered three trailer combo with loads, placed on an outback diorama. The diorama is [...]
After my dad finished the F-35 5th generation fighter, now back to something oldschool.
The nice Revell Germany kit of the Sabre Dog, markings from Hi-Decal (thanks to Diego from Hi-Decal for providing them). The sheet comes only with few [...]
This kit in my opinion is one of Hasgawa's best. I used an SBS cockpit set and it has better detailing than the kit cockpit but by no means is it necessary. I did this because I already had the SBS one. The kit supplied cockpit parts are [...]
This started life as a Berlin Airlift boxing of the Minicraft kit. I picked it up at a swap meet for $3. A deal too good to refuse! This is also how stashes grow exponentially, lol. Anyways, I was going to build it using the kit [...]