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Review: Takom 1/35 Typhoon K review

Eduard 1/48 Bf-109G-14 (Profipack kit)

By the Spring of 1944, the Bf-109G-6, which had been the primary production version of Messerschmitt’s fighter since the previous fall, was falling behind in the relentless race for performance. Beginning in the late spring, many [...]

Review: Hobby Nu Nu / Platz 1/24 BMW M6 GT3 review

Airport Diorama – Progress report

Once upon a time, in an age before cell phones, there existed a certain kind of airport with certain kinds of airplanes . . . The Stinson and Beech Staggerwing are courtesy of Mr. Terrence Davis. I had these kits in my build-project [...]

“Nose Art Group” Tamiya P-51D

Allow me first to make the point that I do not in any way disparage the town of Cooter Missouri nor any of the fine people that live there…. That being said: This is a model of an airplane that I have wanted to build for a very long [...]

Saturday, Dec 6th, 1941…

Hi all, Presenting a recently completed diorama/vignette. The Story (please allow my fictional, artistic license)….A USS Arizona Kingfisher crew out scrounging supplies for the Saturday night party back at the O-Club….Dec 6, 1941. I [...]

Duguay Trouin (D611) – Heller 1/400

Greetings fellow modelers! Some time ago I posted the Duquesne 1/400 from Heller ((link)) and I've already explained the problems that it gave to me, but with this one (which is for the same customer as the Duquesne) it was a total [...]

Heinkel HE-162A-2 Salamander. 3/JG 1 “Oesau”, pilot: Oblt. Emil Demuth Leck/Holstein, Germany; May 1945

UHU HE-219A2 1:32 Revell kit completed.

FlyHawk 1/700 HMS Prince of Wales.

Hi, I recently finished Flyhawk's POW kit, I think this kit is the best POW kit in the market. Putting the kit together was very enjoyable for me, although there were hundreds of microscopic components. I also uploaded POW step by step [...]