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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Eduard 1/48 Albatros D.II

For a challenge, this would be my first First World War subject. As the profi-pack kit, the content comes with masks and detailed photoetch and four marking options. Woodgrain was achieved using Light Orch Oil paint, this was a challenge [...]

1/35 Academy M-60A1, modeled after a tank that I was a crew member in…….. L Troop, 3/3 ACR

Finally finished after 5 years! I built this tank and had about 95 percent of it finished. It was sitting in my display case awaiting the final touches... So I took a break from the Midway Group Build and finally completed the old [...]

Another Bill Bosworth Masterpiece – 1/48 Sikorsky S-40 (scratchbuilt)

Whoops - it's 1/48! Still has a 32-inch wingspan For those who don't know what the S.40 was: Sikorsky designed the S-40 in response to a request from Juan Trippe, president of Pan American Airways, for a larger passenger carrying [...]

RAF Double Build

Built for the ‘Micro Modelling Month’ Campaign (GB) over at Modellers Alliance, Exactly three weeks from opening the boxes until finishing today – well I say finished, both models have a little ‘tidying-up’ still to do. The [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 "Captured" Kawanishi N1K2-J

This was is a great build for an old kit. No filler used at all, even the pesky fuselage/wing join. I used Rising Decals "Dying Sun Pt.III and they worked great. For chipping I first laid down some Tamiya Flat Aluminum and the painted [...]

Lindberg 1/48 Gloster "Gladiator" Mk.II

This is the old Life-Like, Ideal, Lindberg Gloster Gladiator. In it's time (long ago) it was a decent kit. I modified it a little, to make a "stunt" plane out of it. The prop was from the Mk.I kit, and the [...]

A Wyvewhat?! That's not a real Plane!

I had never heard of a Wyvern until I saw an add for the Trumpeter kit. It's what I call "ugly cool" looking, like the F-4 Phantom. As soon as I saw it, I wanted one. The 1/48 scale kit was a little expensive for my taste, so [...]

Review: Special Hobby 1/32nd Tempest Mk V review

F-4F JG 74 “Mölders”, Tactical Leadership Programme (1982)

This is my 1/48th F-4F JG 74 from Hasegawa. Since Luftwaffe Norm 72 camouflage pattern is one of my all time favorites; this project has been on my mind and agenda for a long time! Having a 1-year old baby boy and a tight schedule on the [...]

1/48 Eduard Fw-190D