No wind in the Valley, so it's picture takin' time !. I actually finished this little gem in June, and then waited for that perfect blanket of white to photograph it. The platform is from the J2F session, enhanced with the real stuff.
This [...]
I've actually considered not going to model shows because it seems I'm a s****r for picking up very old kits. This P-51B is a show purchase that I've just completed as a fun weekend project. It was fun to build,however, it took me longer [...]
To have some really thin wood to do the plywood flooring of a B-17? My daughter gave me some thin wood samples after she graduated industrial design school and they are perfect for replicating things such as the flooring of B-17s! The [...]
ICM 1/35 scale with Master box figures. Nice simple little kit that was fun to build. Well except for the decals! Not sure if I just got a bad bunch but they were a nightmare to apply. As soon as they came out of the water they kept [...]
1/72 Italeri, almost OOB, I added some wire to the undercarriage and tail rotor for strength, finished in MM enamels with Future and MM 30000 acrylic over kit decals.
Right! - How much weathering is too much?
I personally think these Viggens are overdone myself - you don't see them like that in real life...waitaminute!? Oooops!