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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Eduard Bf109E-1 in 1/32

This is my first completion for 2016 although I started it before Christmas. The kit is the Eduard Week end boxing & went together with no real problems. Admittedly there is only one set of decals included & no resin or etched [...]

Review: Trumpeter 1/48th MIG 21MF Review

Models in 2015I'm surprised

I'm really surprised to discover I managed to build 22 models in 2015, in spite of everything else I did in the year: Moved in February - no modeling in January, February or early March. Wrote "The Frozen Chosen" between [...]

Review: Bandai 1/12th First order stormtrooper Review

1/48 Blue Aggressor

Another one of my aggressor schemes, 1/48 Tamiya F-16, with an Aries exhaust and cockpit, painted with Lifecolors and decals are from Afterburner

Modeling on the cheap

I have always been looking to get hobby and modeling supplies with out paying out the nose with internet prices being what they are so I thought I would share some of the things that I buy and use exclusively. You may recognize some of [...]

Dragon 1/72nd SH-3D

As I've just got the new Airfix 1/72nd Westland Sea King HC.4 I thought I'd revisit my US Navy theme and show an earlier US Navy version. Keeping with the grey and white era which I so fond of, this is Dragons SH-3D version. I enjoyed the [...]

Sukhoi T-4 Sotka EggPlane

EggPlane again! Best Regards, Vlad.

Mobius 1/12 Mars Attacks Martian Warrior and unfortunate victim

Another of my "creepy, weird, some-what disturbing" figure kit builds. This is NOT based on the silly Tim Burton movie, but on the gruesome Topps trading cards from the late '60's. This thing was a hoot to work on. It's not [...]

Dragon 1/35 Panzer I w/ 20mm Flak and Trailer

Another solo armor build for the year, in this case 2013, is this tiny little AA tracked vehicle. Individual link tracks, minuscule photo-etch and a complete interior that is mostly obscured by the 20mm gun and mounting made for a trying, [...]