Spitfire Mk. IX; RAF / Free France A.F. Squadron 602 „City of Glasgow“; 1944
Model Kit is a Pacific Coast model in scale 1:32
The enrollment LOD and the roundels on the wings are injected.
The templates of the letters were made of [...]
This Hasegawa Ki.44-1b "Shoki" is built essentially out of the box, other than the use of Eduard JAAF seatbelts. It depicts a Ki.44 flown on home defense by the 47th Sentai, the most effective unit flying the Ki.44 in opposing [...]
This is one of those subjects that fills a void, nothing more. By most 1/72 standards, this kit is crude. The most eye catching part is also the worse part, the canopy. This would have been a great piece to vac-u-form, as it's pretty [...]
The name is longer than the model. This was an easy build, and addition to my British trainers. The last couple shots show size comparison with the DeHavilland Chipmunk. Both are dwarfed by the T-28 Trojan. of the same era.. At this [...]
I'm currently working on a 1/144 Minicraft DC-8 and Zvezda Tu-154M as a change of pace. I realized that the last airliners I built were the A330 and 767 shown here. I thought I would share them. The A330 is a Revell kit built in 1998. [...]
The I-400 class of submarines were the largest undersea vessels of World War II. They were designed to give Japan the ability to launch stealth attacks on distant targets and sneak away undetected. Speaking of which, it is even rumored [...]
When launched, the Columbo Express was the largest ship in the world, capable of hauling 1800 containers of cargo at once. She was the largest ship ever launched to be driven by just one propeller. Yet, despite her size, she is crewed by [...]
To my mind, the Ki.61 is the best-looking Japanese fighter of World War II. This is the Hasegawa kit, built OOB other than use of Lifelike Decals.
The Ki. 61 was one of the few Japanese fighters that could even get to the altitude the [...]
Well here she is completed! Did not add every bit of PE, and since detail shots of Wilkes are hard to find I had to be creative and use other ships close to her configuration for things like the floater net baskets, but I am pretty happy [...]
Hey there's a theme here somewhere's. Here's my 1/32 Hasegawa Hien, in the colors of 18 Sentai, on home defense. Some pretty tailfeathers I think. All markings are sprayed on 'cept numbers and letters and the kill eagles. Base is my usual [...]