The Sturmovik was known as "flying tanks" to the Russian ground forces of WWII. Presumably built in greater numbers than any other aircraft, these planes made an idellible mark on their enemies. Heavily armed with cannon , [...]
The Panzer IV was the workhorse of the German Panzer forces throughout WWII. Though eventually replaced by the Panther, Panzer IVs fought on every front till the bitter end. The F/f1 shown here was an early version which fought with [...]
World War I began as the last Napoleonic War revolving around infantry, artillery and cavalry, but quickly devolved into mass carnage at the hands of machine guns, barbed wire, poison gas and massed high explosives. Sweeping maneuver was [...]
Still have about two hours to go adding resistance rifle and some euro dust from MIG to the car and base.
Tamiya Simca 1/35th scale, with Master Box Figures and some Tamiya German accessories, as well as Bronco Luggage set, and some Euro [...]
The price was right, and I had some old decals laying around, so this old bird got thrown together. Even though it's not even up to Monogram's standards, it still looks ok for it's age. The interior leaves a lot to be desired, as do most [...]
Subject Background:
In March of 1943, 25 F-6A/P-51s were assigned to the 154th Observation Squadron of the 15th Air Force stationed at Oujda in French Morocco, North Africa. While operating there, No. 225 Squadron of the RAF frequently [...]
The Aerosan series of armed snow mobiles is not to be laughed off. In the harsh Russian winters of WWII, the Army needed mobile support even in tough snowy conditions. Earlier Aerosan versions had automotive engines and open cockpits. [...]
In September 1939, the German army taught the world the value of coordinating artillery fire with Blitzkrieg (a lesson the Allies learned well and turned back on their teachers). The 15 cm gun was their primary weapon, both in the towed [...]
Designed as a response to the Russian T-34, the Panther was considered by many to be the finest tank of WWII. Although it experienced significant teething problems in its earlier renditions, it was fine tuned into a dependable well [...]
The Ju-87 will forever be linked with the Blitzkrieg campaigns of WWII. It supported the armored spearheads of the Wehrmacht with deadly accuracy -- becoming known as Flying Artillery. The whistles on the landing gear pants lent a [...]