I recently introduced Roland in the VIb version, so now I'm adding the VIa version. Similar construction to D VIb, only need to put a different engine and retrofit it a bit. Next, it is necessary to cut off the ailerons and install the [...]
This is the Academy PBY-5A finished as a RCAF Canso A. The Canso was a license built Catalina manufactured by Boeing Canada and Canadian Vickers. The one I chose to model was a Canadian Vickers built machine from the last production [...]
See all my models at: (link)
Nikon D7500; Focus Stacking using Helicon Focus; Editing using LightRoom
Kit: Airfix A12007
The Kit: This is a pretty good kit by Airfix but its not without its problems. Strengths include nice [...]
Here is the historic background to the model by Tom Cleaver:
Red Wrath was the personal mount of Lt. Colonel Clinton "Fearless" True, Group Commander of the 345th BG. Aircrew viewed him as "hard," but someone who never [...]
This is another of one of my rescued birds. I bought this kit for $1 at a model show in Richmond, Virginia; although already started it looked like it could be saved. The biggest issue were the misaligned fuselage halves and It took [...]
The Daihatsu Copen. Never heard of it? No surprise. You’re unlikely to find one of these parked at your local home improvement store.
The Copen L880 was introduced in 2002 as part of the Kei Sports Car competition between Honda, Mazda, [...]
Built for a friend of mine,a retired Brazilian AF Colonel,both limited edition kits,long ago out of market here in Brazil...not good works,I admit,but perhaps they are interesting to take a quick look.Thanks for visiting.
It's been a while since I've posted here; I did take a small hiatus from modeling and I've returned to it recently. I recently finished the Matchbox Beaufighter. It was a fun build.
The kit is an early one with multi colored plastic [...]
Richard E. Turner. 356th FS, 354th FG. Eduard Profipack 1/48.
Built out of the box aside from Draw decals.
Vallejo metals: aluminum, duraluminium, and steel over Mr Color gloss black Ueno.
Tamiya lacquer silver for wing [...]