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I recently completed Trumpeter's F9F-3 Panther for a Korean War group build. The kit was built out of the box. No add on accessories. The fit was not too bad. There were a couple seams that needed addressed. Just another day at the bench, [...]
I’ve made quite a few of the new Airfix kits, mostly the 1/72 models, and this is the best one they’ve put out of those. Outstanding fit, very good detail, the best panel line size in this scale for Airfix, and great decals.
I did add [...]
I did this one for IPMS USA review and thought I would drop it off here for a gander. Hope you guys like.
IF interested you can read the full review on IPMS USA:
Article from Warbird Information Exchange:
Bringing a Fokker D.XXI back to airworthiness has been the lifelong dream of Mr. Jack van Egmond sr. owner of Egmond Vintage Wings at Hoogeveen airport in the Netherlands. Reviving a piece of [...]
A selection of the models made this last few weeks again using Corgi and Dragon Wings 1/72 Die cast as donor models repainted as best I can
HVS P47 Ole Cock III Maj Donavon Smith in service 25/08/1944 to 15/12/1944 with experimental [...]
Said I had wanted to model an aircraft from Operation Eagle Claw so here is Victory 200 with its asymmetrical black bands.
This is the Tamiya 1/48 F-14A Tomcat. Kit decals with a little bit of Eduard were used. Aftermarket - Eduard, Cross [...]
This is my 1/32 Hasegawa P-40 Mk.III with the markings of GA-Q FR806 from RAF 112 sqn in Italy 1944.
In the cockpit I used Eduard instrument panel and seat belts.
Exhausts were also replaced with Eduard brassines.
I used Gunze Sangyo [...]