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KingTiger sPz.Abt.505, Poland 1944, Trumpeter 1/16

I have just finished my second project in 1/16 scale. This time I had a King Tiger from Trumpeter at the workshop. It was definitely the most labor-intensive model in my career. I devoted 7 months and 175 hours of work to him. At times I [...]

Airfix 1/72 Bristol Beaufort.

Another gem of a kit from Airfix. Flawless fit from start to finish. Built from the box, apart from an Eduard harness I added to the pilot seat. Finished in MRP paints, with some oils for final weathering. A highly enjoyable build, it took [...]

Spitfire Mk.Vb (Eduard 1/48)

New Spitfire Mk.Vb by Eduard in 1/48 scale. I was waiting for the trop version since I saw the sprue of Mk.I last year. And here it is, the first on out of the Eagle's Call dual combo box. Kit is no surprise – a "standard" [...]

RAAF Spitfire Mk.Vc, 54 Squadron, Darwin, Australia.

Special Hobby's 1/48 kit was the only one of this mark available until very recently, when Eduard announced their forthcoming kit. I had already ordered the SH one & since all my previous efforts at a Vc had been kitbashed by various [...]

Bf-109D, Dora in WW2 camo scheme

My latest, Messerschmitt Bf-109D by Hobbycraft is presented for review. This kit from 1992 remains passable and makes very presentable Jumo-powered pre-war fighter. If you only do one of these kits, I would recommend it be a Spanish [...]

Mach-2 1/72 Bell X-1E

I bought this a long time ago as it was extremely cheap. I didn't know about Mach-2 at the time and it wasn't as horrible as I thought it might be when I found out. The decals were absolutely horrible and were prone to disintegrate on [...]

1/32 Hasegawa P-40N Warhawk “White 21”

Here's another tick on my bucket list of P-40Ns in 1/32 scale. This is 1/32 Hasegawa P-40N Warhawk with the markings of “White 21” from 74FS 23rd FG (Kweilin – China) flown by Capt Harlyn Vidovich in December 1943. Note that this [...]

On land, on water… and on carrier decks! Grumman’s great J2F Duck

The Grumman J2F-5 Duck The end of the twenties and the beginning of the thirties produced a whole series of interesting aircraft designs, whose attraction from today's perspective lies in their character as technical hybrids. In those [...]

McDonnel Douglas F-15C Eagle

After being away from modeling for over 40 years, I decided to pick my childhood passion back up again during COVID. My wife really encouraged me, so I jumped back in with a Tamiya 1/48 F-15C (one of my all-time favorite jets - she's [...]

Desert Air War Group Build: 1/48 Italeri (AMT) A-20B Havoc, 47th Bomb Group

The Airplane: The Army Air Corps issued a new specification for an attack aircraft in 1937. To meet this requirement, Douglas, with a design team headed by Ed Heinemann, developed the Model 7B, powered by two 1,100 hp Pratt & Whitney [...]