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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.


I converted a 1/24 scale Airfix P-51D to a P-51B for a client. Gee-whiz, holy cow, I had no idea how much work was involved when I took on this project, however, day by day it all came together as I had no drawing's nor measurement's to [...]

1/48 Airfix Glster Javelin FAW.9/9R

This build was the Airfix 1/48 scale kit of the Gloster Javelin FAW .9/9R. I used Eduard’s Photo etch set and the kit decals. The Javelin is a large aircraft so even in 1/48 scale it takes up some room.The kit is nice in fit and details. [...]

Tamiya, IDF M151 A2 in 1/35 scale

Hi Guys here is my Tamiya, IDF M151 A2 in 1/35 scale. Aftermarket parts: Legend 1377 1/35 M151A2 Detailing Set Eduard 1/35 M-151A1 Shmira photo-etch AEF Designs Israeli IDF M151 Shmira jeep resin conversion HTF CMK 1/35 M151 MUTT IDF [...]


I blew up the first photo of a P-51D Mustang that was taken in WW-II (1941-1945). With my art talent I drew the "duck" which was fashioned after Walt Disney's movie cartoon character then had a decal made, which was put on my 2nd [...]


These are the drawings I made for several "scratch-built" items I made for the 1/32 scale P-40E model. At age 15, (1946) I became a good "Architect" and was drawing house plans for my dad's construction company. All the [...]

Review: NuNU 1/24 Audi R8 GT3 review

1/72 CASA 212 Aviocar – Portuguese Air Force by Special Hobby

The first prototype of the C-212 flew on 1971 and towards the end of 1973, Portugal ordered 20 units in order to replace the ageing and obsolete C-47 Dakotas and Nord 2501 Noratlas. In 1974 The CASA C-212-100 became operational with the [...]

Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike project: Bandai 1/12

Well, it's been a minute since I've posted. So I thought why not show what I've been working on. Bandai 1/12 Scout Trooper and Speeder bike with scratch-built fountain (it works!). Still have quite a bit to do but at least we can now see [...]

Miniart 1/35th LGOC Type B Bus

Over the years ago have made the old Airfix B Type bus kit. Likely a bit of a rite of passage for many modellers I feel. When I saw Miniart bringing one out, thought why not indeed and got myself one. As always with Miniart somewhat over [...]


Hustler 1/72 from italeri. This is an old kit from the brand but it is still good model. For the metallic rendering I've used Vallejo paint chrome and silver.