20 articles
I've updated this diorama moving the trailer slightly more inward and adding hydraulic cables and snow here and there. I've always added or tried to mimic melted ice on the roads, in certain areas. You can see them in a few photos. I also [...]
Yep, its's another 1:50 job in the works. Rikard Algotsson has Commission me, to build another 1:50 scale diorama. This time a snow diorama. Now this is my first snow diorama has I have never felt comfortable about doing one due to the [...]
I finally completed the diorama for the 'Bigfoot' wheel excavator I posted not too long ago. This is basically a display for any similar 1/32 or even better, 1/50 scale construction model. The base itself is an old binding circular hard [...]
This is the second part to the Middle Eastern 1/50 build I am doing for Tobias Oskarsson & Fredrik Hultman. I have just weathered the trailer and the tractor unit is next, that is why you only see photos of the trailer. I've also [...]
Something different. Just completed a display diorama for a customer. The scale display, is 1.2m x 0.40m x 0.40m in dimension. It is mostly for displaying 1:50 scale truck models, at exhibitions. I have come a long way and have done a lot [...]
1/50 ARRI D51 Japanese Steam Locomotive
Fun build of nicely engineered kit. To insure a tight and clean fit of the upper boiler.
Turned aluminum wheels. I fabricated two sliding pillars to connect and align the boilers securely.
I hope this is okay to post a build I made many years ago. This Spitfire was built in 1990, my last build until I recently got back into building kits again. This is Fujimi's 1/48th scale Spitfire Mk. Vb...The box will say 1/48th but [...]
The Type 10 torpedo bomber was designed by Sopwith designer Herbert Smith for the Japanese Navy.
Built in 1922, 20 were built, it was difficult to fly and it could not land on the carrier with the torpedo loaded. They were eventually [...]
I was given a brand new Volvo LM 841 to weather as well as make a small vignette, for a friend of mine, Rickard Algotsson. I decided to give this 1:50 scale model a go. It's a beautiful model with great details. Surprisingly enough, it is [...]
I like the spanish civil war as a modeling subject and recently I got an I-16. I thought that tere's would be great to add a C.R.32 next to it on the self. Well the I-16 is still in the box but these things always happens when someone [...]