The painting Database at iModeler

14 articles
  • Items tagged with painting
  • 14 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 months ago

Masking And Painting Strategies

When painting our models, we are often faced with challenges with regards to finishing the model. We have to balance requirements for different finishing techniques that often place restrictions on how we can apply them. For example, [...]

Mars Attacks!

This is my most recent commission piece for a local store. Seems like there will be more based on this one. Definitely a fun paint project. Mars Attacks is an entertaining movie. Not too deep or anything but definitely a classic at this [...]

Painting the Archduke of Mousin

This project came about as an offshoot of the recent Red Dragon project. As I submitted images of the Dragon to a painting contest, there were several variants of this guy submitted. I really like the idea of a little mouse community where [...]

A bit of nostalgia, brushes 144 [gross] ,disposable paint brush

When I started to paint my models as a kid using Pactra and Testors 1/4 ounce bottle paints, to help me out my Dad or my Mom gave me a box of 144 little brushes, the cool thing was that they were disposable, they lasted me several years [...]

Moved into a new Studio.

For the first time in a little over 10 years, I have a studio/workplace that I am happy with. Custom-designed by me with IKEA components, and Wallniture shelving from Amazon. The desktop is 58.25x28.75" of tempered glass, and provides [...]

Final reveal: Arco dei Fileni, Libya, 1941 on 1:35, Scratchbuild

This is the final reveal of my crack at the Arco dei Fileni, an Italian colonial monument erected in 1937 in Libya and designed by the Italian architect Florestano di Fausto (1890-1965). The original was dynamited by the later Libyan [...]

Early Panzers in Poland 1939 – MiniArt Pz. Kpfw. III Ausf. D + Diorama

I started off with this project in July of last year while in Vienna. It involves MiniArt's #35169 model of the early Panzer III, the D-model. Figures are kit #35191 from the same manufacturer. The chassis of the tank was finished by [...]

Polishing of airliner model.

High gloss is the basis for airliner models. The secret lies in lacquering, grinding and polishing the surface. Suitable abrasive materials, polish and polishing wipes are needed. The result is a high gloss of the model. (link)

Review: AK Real Color Air- Is their marketing hype accurate?

Most of you have probably came across banners, printed advertisement or even some you tube stuff about AK Interactive new paint line, Real Colors. They kicked off a few months ago with an extensive AFV and Tank colors, covering several [...]

Aero Futurism. Art movement circa 1930’s

A friend saw me putting together a model the other day. They exclaimed "Oh, your like an engineer". I replied, "Actually, more like an artist." ==Aeropainting or sometimes aero-futurism.== Aeropittura (Aeropainting) was [...]