The Resin Database at iModeler

35 articles
  • Items tagged with Resin
  • 35 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 8 months ago

1/48 Brengun MQ-8B Fire Scout Helicopter Drone of HSM-35

This kit is an interesting subject. This is the 1/48 Brengun MQ-8B Fire Scout. This is a helicopter drone built by Northrop Grumman and is used by the U.S. Navy. It is typically deployed on FFG’s and LCS ships. The reason I chose this is [...]

Miles Sparrowhawk 1:72or how a model kit born

Hi Everyone! This article is for mainly whose interested in the model kit making process and also the end of a long and interesting journey (at least for me). If anybody remembers this Miles M.5 Sparrowhawk was my first 3D designed model [...]

Explosion of the Kursk submarine in Epoxy Resin and LED - ZvezdaZ9007 -1:350 scale

Hi everybody, Just wanted to share my project of recreating the explosion of the Kursk Russian submarine that occurred on 12 August 2000 in the Barents Sea (see (link) for more info). It took me many hours and two trials to finalize it, [...]

Avro Vulcan B1a Blue Steel Project.

Well, I just couldn't resist it. Despite loads of Leopard projects piling up, when I decided to restore my other B1a, I just HAD to start another one. This particular one is going to be XA903. This was a B1a that was modified for Blue [...]

Restoration Project, Avro Vulcan B1a

Well, the danger of moving boxes etc in the man cave, you occasionally come across a project you had tucked away in a "safe place" and then forgotten about. This is the Airfix 1/72 Avro Vulcan B2, converted back to a B1a. I used [...]

Unfinished Business – Finishing Off the Belgian Leopard

A few days ago I was sorting through my Leopard stuff and came across a few items of etch and resin. I then realised that they were from my Legend Belgian Leopard conversion. To my horror there was still quite a lot to be done, which I had [...]

Boeing P-8A Poseidon, 11SQN RAAF

1/72 Welsh Models P-8A Poseidon in the markings of A47-007 of 11SQN, RAAF complete. The build consisted of scratch building the weapons bay, weapons mounting points on the wings and pylons, many of the ESM and AMS lumps and antennas. I [...]

Miles M.2E Hawk “Speed Six” – 1:72 resin

Hi everyone! This is my Miles Speed Six made from Steelworks 1:72 resin kit. This is a classic handmade kit and among them a really good executed one! See the kit here: (link) and here: (link) The Speed Six was a single-seat racing variant [...]

Review: Caudron C.561 – 1:72 resin kit by SBS Model

Caudron C-461 and C-561 were built as French participants for the Coupe Deutsch de la Meurthe 1936. The two aircraft C-461 derived on the C-460 using the same engine Renault 456, while the single C-561 followed the type C-560 installing [...]

COVID No. 13. AlleyCat CAC Boomerang

My final covid build for 2020?. This a resin kit. Overall I was pleased when it was completed. The Boomerang was a panic development fighter from the Wirraway by the Aussies at the beginning of the war. It did not have much air to air [...]