86 articles · 5.9K karma · 22 friends · active 1 week, 2 days ago
Although we now live in New Zealand, I'm still very 'British'. Got my first kit for my 7th birthday and been building ever since - I'm 52 now.
Occasionally I build 1:35 AFV's, but mainly I build military aircraft of all most era in most scales, as a 'break' from aircraft building I also build 1:25/24 NASCAR racers and the occasional (American) car.
So each Christmas I try to do a 'clear the bench project' - nothing too taxing, so I can pretty much get done in about two to three weeks. This year, Trumpeter's 1/32 109 E-7 got the nod.
Not sure why folks seem to shy away from the Trumpy [...]
"...probably the prettiest Ferrari in a long, long time!" - Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear BBC2.
And who am I to argue with Jeremy ! - So this is the RoG kit which to be honest, is very soft in the details, has a number of avoidable [...]
Hey folks... so this is a Tamiya 1:48 Mustang and as such requires very little in the way of explanation or comment from me.
However I would crave your collective indulgence for just a moment or two... Over the years I believe I've built [...]
Afternoon all from the land of the Long White Cloud. This started life about a month ago as an experiment - First time using Ammo of Mig acrylics and first attempt at the 'modulation method'. So because I don't want to bore everybody here [...]
I got my first plastic kit, a Frog DH.88 Comet for my 7th birthday... I'm 55 now and have been building ever since.
In those intervening years I have tried every aspect of modelling, mostly aircraft, but had a go at every other genre. [...]
BAC / EE Lightning F3
Sqn. Ldr. George Black
111 Squadron
RAF Wattisham 1965
Built for (a total of) three RAF 100 Group builds on various modelling forums including iM, this is Airfix’s original 1997 issue of the Lightning. Cannot recall [...]
OK you're quite right the title is flippant, but it's true ! - Started just before Christmas 2011 (in the full knowledge that we were going to be moving to NZ in April), and finished this afternoon... I reckon that in the Modellers [...]
Hello from Middle Earth !
Been a wee while since my last completed build here, even longer since my last SAR project.
So here is, fresh from my bench, Academy's excellent HH-46 Sea Knight complete with kit decals for a machine from SOMS [...]
Well look here, another NASCAR build from that British bloke who lives in New Zealand ! - yep, been at it again, folks, this time with the AMT version of the Lumina - to my eye they captured the lines of the car better than Monogram did [...]
Yep. another completed, but to be fair it was started long before the 350Z that I posted here a couple of weeks ago. So straight to the point, this is another Tamiya kit, and it is as ever superbly engineered, and fits just about [...]